After reading all of the responses, I wanted to share my experience. I have a room that is 12 feet by 23 feet and i have the speakers on the short side of the room.The speakers come out 56 inches from the wall behind them and I have about 8 feet behind my listening chair. Because I only have 12 feet, I found that when I had the speakers spread to far apart, the sound suffered in terms of the most natural bass sound. I ended up settling for the speakers to be just over 6.5 feet apart with very little toe in. As I said, when i went any closer to the side walls, I did not like the sound of the bass. I sit 9.75 feet away from the speakers. This works well in my room. Every room is a bit different and you have to play around to get the best listening spot. Most rooms have issues but if you let your ears tell you what sounds right, you can usually get a good listening situation. You have to experiment and most of us have rooms that are less than perfect. Room treatments can help. Another factor is whether your spouse or you is comfortable having speakers come out in the room. As I stated mine come out 56 into the room, my dog Hanna does not object but not every spouse feels that way and there may have to be compromises.
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