I've interpreted color from every single audio system I've ever heard, and that would range all the way from sterile to extremely romantic. Perhaps some believe accuracy lies somewhere outside this all encompassing bell curve. Please suggest to all us deluded audiophiles a single outlier system that is accurate and devoid of color, I really want to hear music reproduced with absolute accuracy.
Astute observation/comment as is the norm from you.
I haven't heard Atma-sphere latest solid state amplifiers. I'm very familiar with his OTL amplifiers which I find really good.
I've heard benchmark on several occasions and don't share the enthusiasm some listeners /owners have expressed, if you like their sonic performance then good for you. Again I believe that you and I simply have different taste and preferences as to what sounds right. Not unexpected in the realm of High End audio so neither you nor I can be declared right or wrong, just different.