Color me a fatalist...there is NO cure! Sorry! I am there, I hear your pain!
Everytime I see a thread beginning with: "Getting into vinyl slowly, want to spend less than 1K..." I say to myself, "this guy 's toast!"
To avoid the virus you must either: never use a computer again or start another hobbie that's cheaper (let's say, finding 4-leaf-clovers in the Sahara). Preferably, both!
A few suggestions:
1. When your wife is home, you have to intercept packages before the delivery truck reaches your front door (I have a 7-11 store nearby where these nefarious exchanges take place.)
2. Be the one that oversees home-finances and cancelled checks, CC receipts, etc (take it from me, kids "do not" need to eat every day. Three meals-a-day is only a guideline, just like "all digital connections must be 1.5 meters for optimum transfer of information between transport and DAC").
3. Study in your off-time how to build an accoustically-sound area in the 2x3 ft space you'll be residing in at your local YMCA once you do get thrown out of the house.
My sympathies and best wishes.