I'm here for the sharing, not the snobery

Just a quick note.  Things around here on Audiogon have been interesting over the past couple of weeks as I've watched a number of trolls shift the tenor of the discussions.

I wanted to say that I fully support information sharing, doing things ourselves, experimentation and ways to broaden who is among us.

The idea that you are or are not an audiophile based on what you have spent, or what exclusive line of products you have purchased is not one I want to support.  We should find ways to share, not exclude our passion and grow our dwindling numbers.

Building kits and systems with the younger generation is a fantastic way of getting them into STEM as well as into audio, not to mention builds light years worth of knowledge in very little time.  As I've said before, our hobby was built by experimenters, tinkerers and lovers of music much more so than by lovers of spending.

I'll support inclusive, fact based discussions and those who are intellectually curious every time I can.
All joking aside, this reminds me of my own reaction-formation process to room/acoustical treatment.

First off, I for years decried and dismissed those on this forum who rushed to any thread asking for component recommendations with cries for room treatment, often costing much more than some of the recommended components. Yes, I knew that room treatments DO make a difference, but I don't know and don't pretend to know how much or how little they do - my own room treatments being rugs, large canvas paintings, and boxy IKEA floor lamps in the corners.

And yet the room treatment members were, by and large, a knowledgeable bunch whose own systems and discussions reflected a deep and wide perspective of the hobby.

And while I'm never going to drop mad stacks on bass traps and corner thingies and vertical cityscape squares on the walls, I'm trying to get over my subjectivity on the topic and at least validate the objectivity of decent room treatment as a vital component of a good system.
Case in point, @mahgister's system. Take a look at it. It works for him. I  can't argue the objectivity of that.
Case in point, @mahgister’s system. Take a look at it. It works for him. I can’t argue the objectivity of that.
You cannot look at it.... The photo are too old and my dedicated audio room laboratory is "nuttier " than you think...

My " mechanical equalizer" for example include discarded tubes and pipes and straws and empty toilet roll papers ...And it is impossible for me to take a photo of all that...( light is not very good and all is distributed along the room)

Believe me it is nut....

But believe me my basic audio system could prove to anyone here at peanuts price that embeddings controls is almost EVERYTHING in audio...My system is not the best to say the least compared to most here.... But it is one of the best there is on earth for the ratio quality/price...500 bucks....

And which one of you control all acoustic concepts: imaging, soundstage, listener envelopment, source width, AT WILL with no electronic gear, costly "tweaks" or equalizer?


No one.... Save me, sorry to be immodest here with only some psychoacoustic basic facts among others.... At no cost....Then.... Look at my room but dont laugh too much.... Last laugh is for me when i see any audio system and after that his price tag and his sound on youtube sometimes... I am not deaf even if 70 years old...Not at my best but owning old "donkey" very long ears....

I sell creativity not products...


It’s easy to agree to disagree on personal preference it’s only when some think personal preference are commandments or universal.

BINGO!!! I agree 100%. IMO, The problem lies in writing and reading in our busy world. Both have their problems in communication. I am in no way opposed to test measurements or blind testing. I like Paul McGowan & Hans Beekhuyzen who say it has its place in the mfg process. I agree. But because we do not know each other personally and because its improbable to read every post, its very easy to paint a black & white picture of someone when often we are more nuanced.