All joking aside, this reminds me of my own reaction-formation process to room/acoustical treatment.
First off, I for years decried and dismissed those on this forum who rushed to any thread asking for component recommendations with cries for room treatment, often costing much more than some of the recommended components. Yes, I knew that room treatments DO make a difference, but I don't know and don't pretend to know how much or how little they do - my own room treatments being rugs, large canvas paintings, and boxy IKEA floor lamps in the corners.
And yet the room treatment members were, by and large, a knowledgeable bunch whose own systems and discussions reflected a deep and wide perspective of the hobby.
And while I'm never going to drop mad stacks on bass traps and corner thingies and vertical cityscape squares on the walls, I'm trying to get over my subjectivity on the topic and at least validate the objectivity of decent room treatment as a vital component of a good system.
First off, I for years decried and dismissed those on this forum who rushed to any thread asking for component recommendations with cries for room treatment, often costing much more than some of the recommended components. Yes, I knew that room treatments DO make a difference, but I don't know and don't pretend to know how much or how little they do - my own room treatments being rugs, large canvas paintings, and boxy IKEA floor lamps in the corners.
And yet the room treatment members were, by and large, a knowledgeable bunch whose own systems and discussions reflected a deep and wide perspective of the hobby.
And while I'm never going to drop mad stacks on bass traps and corner thingies and vertical cityscape squares on the walls, I'm trying to get over my subjectivity on the topic and at least validate the objectivity of decent room treatment as a vital component of a good system.