So, I'm toying with buying a used Belles 150a Ref. V. 2 amplifier out on the used market. My question is: would it bring real difference to my current setups?
I'd like your thoughts, if you have any experience.
Let me describe my situation: I'm always curious about trying a new amp. I have three sets of speakers: a wide baffle DIY with JBL woofers and a Beyma AMT tweeter (97db.), Ascend ELX Towers (90db, approx.), and Fritz Carbon 7mk2SE (88-89db).
I have several amps for these guys -- Pass XA-25, QS Mono 60 tube amps, and an ST-35 Dynakit. While none of these are "high power" amps, as many know, the Pass can produce a lot more than 25 watts (e.g. 50wpc into 8 ohms and more) and has a grunt and power belied by it's name.
I've had a hypex-based amp in my stable for a brief while delivering a lot of power 300wpc and it was interesting how it "lit up" my less sensitive speakers. I'm curious about the Belles in this regard.
So -- anyone who wishes -- please weigh in about the Belles 150a Ref. Amp Ver. 2 and, if you can, how it might stand out (or NOT stand out) from the amp/speaker combos listed above.