Innuos PULSE Mini?

any impressions on this unit?

appears to be a solid step into that streamer space above bluesound and the other popular entry level units




We have nearly identical objectives (No server duties, just online streaming) Roon not necessary. If you or someone in your Dutch community compares the Pulse mini and Ultra MK III let me know. Thanks 


Lack of a screen of any kind, with basic streaming info, is weird (considering the price). No Roon Ready certification yet.


On another note, a dealer told me the PULSE (not the Mini) which he just received, sounds really good. 

Lack of a screen of any kind, with basic streaming info, is weird (considering the price). No Roon Ready certification yet.

I suppose it is a matter of preference. I’ve seen a number of streaming components without screens. They do not seem necessary as all visual information is available via phone/tablets etc. Anyway I’d be fine without a front panel screen.


I too prefer no screen.
I also typically use dimming tape on the LED’s on my amps, etc as I’m light sensitive and I find visual information distracts from listening.

plus I sit 12 feet away from the gear… so what’s the point of a little screen?