Innuos PULSE Mini?

any impressions on this unit?

appears to be a solid step into that streamer space above bluesound and the other popular entry level units



Lack of a screen of any kind, with basic streaming info, is weird (considering the price). No Roon Ready certification yet.


On another note, a dealer told me the PULSE (not the Mini) which he just received, sounds really good. 

Lack of a screen of any kind, with basic streaming info, is weird (considering the price). No Roon Ready certification yet.

I suppose it is a matter of preference. I’ve seen a number of streaming components without screens. They do not seem necessary as all visual information is available via phone/tablets etc. Anyway I’d be fine without a front panel screen.


I too prefer no screen.
I also typically use dimming tape on the LED’s on my amps, etc as I’m light sensitive and I find visual information distracts from listening.

plus I sit 12 feet away from the gear… so what’s the point of a little screen?

plus I sit 12 feet away from the gear… so what’s the point of a little screen?

Understood ,😊