One of the biggest problems with integrated amps historically is proximity of internal components, for example, and in particular, noise levels resulting from proximity of a power transformer to the low level pre-amp circuitry and even worse lower level phono circuitry, if that included as well.
Having said that, the Bel Canto C5i digital integrated, about half the size of a shoe box, is perhaps the quietest (and best sounding overall) amplifier I’ve ever owned, quieter perhaps even than the almost $10K worth of separates I use currently in my larger main system. I suspect the fact that it is an all digital amp design contributes to that greatly. I gave it a shot to test the waters with the latest and greatest all digital amp technology and may never look back again. It seems all digital amp technology these days is a game changer!
Having said that, the Bel Canto C5i digital integrated, about half the size of a shoe box, is perhaps the quietest (and best sounding overall) amplifier I’ve ever owned, quieter perhaps even than the almost $10K worth of separates I use currently in my larger main system. I suspect the fact that it is an all digital amp design contributes to that greatly. I gave it a shot to test the waters with the latest and greatest all digital amp technology and may never look back again. It seems all digital amp technology these days is a game changer!