Intimate, warm and holographic alternative

Me another time... Sorry for the inconveniences.

Yes, recently I started a discussion here with the title: " ATC SCM150 (or JBL Synthesis) (or JBL vintage) (or new Klipsch Jubilee)". See:
Last post from ohlala, advising that studio monitor type sound is not the most "enjoyable" for him, was revealing. I could hear yesterday an SCM20 (yes, I know it´s not comparable in many aspects with the SCM150) but the type of sound have not convinced me.

So now I´m more on the warm side, looking for a intimate and holographic sound with great scene. Really useful some old threadas about this, especially: 

I would like to hear personal opinions and experiences about the best speakers that give that musical sensation in which the devices "disappear". Suggestions, brand, models...

I was searching some brands and models and here are some that have caught my attention:

- Gershman Acoustics: Avant Garde
- Legacy Audio: Aeris + Wavelet
- Devore Fidelity: Orangutan O/96 (fatigue??; little too "in your face"??; fleshy bass??)
- Harbeth: 40.3 XD (not a true rock and roll speaker??)
- Klipsch
- Spendor
- Tannoy

Listening position is 9 feet from the speakers. My room is big: 41 square meters. I´m worried about bass. I hear a lot of music but specially rock, so I would like something capable.

Thanks so much to everyone. You are very helpful.

From the speakers you have listed I'm guessing your budget is at least 20k? Anyway my Pioneer S-1EX (TAD) has exactly the sound profile you are describing. Warm but can still rock and sounds great and loses nothing at low volume. I heard them described in one of the forums as Sonus Faber with balls. I would agree with that. 
MBL’s can’t hold a candle to a "proper ESL"?. Really. I have no idea what "proper" means but I have owned the Acoustic 1 + 1, and four different ML models including the Summit over some 30 years. My last "large" speaker was the MBL 116. No contest compared to the Summit. Much more holographic and dimensional. As for Sanders, great speaker if you want the proverbial single listener / one head / sweet spot in a vice. In the end, there is no right answer to what’s best. It’s entirely subjective and based on ones personal bias and system synergy.
When I was in the biz, Bobby P (Merlin) and Judd Barber (Joule Electra) who was well known for his high quality, excellent sounding kit often shared a room together.  I got to know Judd quite well. At one show Judd asked me what I thought of Merlin speakers. There must have been a reason for asking. My response was they never sounded good to me
Find a speaker you love (BS, floor, stand). Give it a good run through with your favorite tracks. Then get a Rel subwoofer, spend a little time blending it in. You will get the best mid-bass and low bass. 
If you have high pass options on your main amps, this will relieve the smaller speaker, and let its mids shine.YMMV.