Is SACD really this lousy?

Bought a Sony SCD 1 and this is boring me in my system. Have had it for 2 weeks and just cannot get interested. Previously I had a CAL CL2o and we were astounded by how the DVD DAD's sounded-fall into the soundstage, reach out and touch the performers. Also the dynamic range used every bit of the VTL's 275 watts into the Maggies. The 44/16 side of the CL20 was at best lukewarm. This after coming off a Meridian 508 20. Then I tried the Wadia 270/27ix. In my system, all the write ups were proven wrong. Then I went to the Linn Ikemi. It was great except I couldn't forget that sound of the DVD's with the CL20. I went to get the Sony SCD 1. I don't have a dealer here but trusted it wouldn't dissappoint. WRONNNG! I called Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound to see if he could do anything. He said it was a great player, it's just that Sony missed the boat when it came to the analog section. He is in fact drawing up a mod to deal with this very thing that he says will approach the Accuphase. That however will cost anywhere from $1500 roonies for the SACD side to $3500 for both. Anybody have any comment on this or am I the only one experiencing disappointment?
David, you know I sypmathize, but calm down. You won't win anybody over to the good side of the Force by sniping. Read what you wrote: "vinyl-vs-analog"? You meant "digital-vs-analog", didn't you? Anyway, everybody just calm down, and listen to the stereo for a while, instead of typing in cyperspace...any 3 year old kid can do that, afterall...
Jm is right David. Why don't you drop the snotty, superior attitude? Usually I find your posts intelligent and interesting-- what happened? He asked a legitimate question about a DIGITAL music concern. Good digital sounds different than good analog but not worse IMHO. If you choose vinyl as a music source I've got no problem with that, but why should you have a problem with those that choose something else? In this hobby we all have problems from time to time-- you should know that. BTW it would be interesting to read what you came up with if you wrote all night long on "vinyl vs analog" (your words). Cheers. Craig
Carl; we were posting about the same time, so I just caught yours. Good Advice; I'm heading for my stereo now. Happy Freedom (of speech etc.) Day. Craig
Garfish- vinyl vs analog obviously was an error.Will you start correcting others as well?? Anyway the man asked for comments on his problem.He invited responses.I gave mine and stand by it.This guy has a SACD player!! What you have all been waiting for.He is not happy.Everyone knows digital has alwys strived to sound like analog.Well do I really have to explain again?? Your statement that"good digital sounds different than good analog,but not worse"really makes no sense.and if it sounds different, then case closed.
David, it is definitely true that you are missing out on some great music that simply isn't availible on vinyl. I had a chance to hear a 30k analog system, and it sounded awesome, only problem was the music sucked.