There is a great debate on whether digital is just digital (1's and 0's) or if a streamer makes computers look like beat up cars that should be in the junk yard.
the thruth is in the middle. It is a debate because there ISN"T THAT MUCH DiFFERENCE. I've listened to several absolutely fantastic systesm in the past year streaming through a dedicated computer. Many use a Raspberry pi.
Sure maybe a streamer is a way to get another 1/10 of a percent after you have the other problems solved. But if you can't afford a streamer right now, don't sweat it. I know there are emotional rants all over the internet designed to make you feel like a second class citizen streaming through a computer, but you aren't.
Relax and enjoy your system. Someday you'll add a streamer, and maybe you'll be able to tell the difference.