Is this out there

 I’m looking for albums akin to war of the worlds where a story is told and sound effects are used to great effect.  Do they make audiophile recordings such as this so you can experience the stereo through a different prism other than just music?
Among more recent issues Karine Polwart’s recent “A Pocket of Wind Resistance” is a masterful combination of words, music and natural sounds telling a compelling story and a superb (and moving) audio experience to boot

+1 for Rick Wakeman’s Journey to the Center of The Earth. I got my copy at a Goodwill store, not the best shape,  but it plays well. 

Alan Parsons Project Tales of Mystery and Imagination is pretty good at times also. 
Decca Headline, Gerhard's The Plague, spoken word, Dorati conducting, based on Camus. One of the few HP List records that I still play occasionally. 
We have all forgotten to my chagrin, all the musicals and rock operas, The Phantom of the Opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, and on and on...
EVERY old time radio show made is available here & they have been digitally remastered for audio......I LOVE listening to The Lone Ranger,Gunsmoke,The Green Hornet,Suspense,Sherlock Holmes & on & on...
If I had the means I would produce this type of genres. Like books on tape but with choreographed sound effects and atmosphere. If done well it could take advantage of our sound stages and clarity hi end audio gives us. 

ahh yes, another piece of genius. Whether it was that or what was being consumed at the time? It doesn't happen that much any more...
Good call, amg56. The Wakeman stuff is like a soundtrack.
For another concept album I’ll add Jethro Tull "A Passion Play."

Listen to Rick Wakeman’s Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Six Wives of Henry VIII, Legend of King Arthur, if you want to get very philosophical try Jethro Tull and Aqualung.

True poetry and story telling that is so missing in todays common music. Give me back to 60's, 70's and some 80's.

In the sixth grade circa 1969, our teacher played us a 16 rpm record that had, if I remember correctly, Boris Karloff reading Edgar Allan Poe stories. The Black Cat, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Telltale Heart. Priceless, now that I recall them; they were wonderful to listen to near the end of the school day and scary as all get out.

Maybe it was Bela Lugosi; in any case, look for these recordings.
Check out Lol Creme's & Kevin Godley's "Consequences".  The whole thing is on You Tube if you want to try before buying, though I think your purchase options will be limited to pre-owned vinyl.  

Part 1