Joseph Audio dealers

Can anyone give me some leads on dealers in the West/southwest? I’m in Albuquerque. Didn’t see anything on website and attempts to contact company over the last couple months have gone unanswered. Thanks 

Not on JA, they were very responsive. They gave me a list of potential dealers to visit-all out of state. Covid came along and  laterI gave up trying to travel when the 7's appeared

Thank you. I gave up the hunt for JA and picked up used Vandersteen 7!s instead 


This thread is old but…

Now Listen Here in Harrisburg Pa carries Joseph Speakers. Aaron is a great guy. 

I'm also looking for dealers, but I'm in the southeast. Will reach out to Goldprint. Anyone know if there's a dealer in FL? I don't live there but have family there.

@northman Not exactly where you are looking but there is a dealer in PA called Now Listen Here (
Like others, I've messaged them multiple times and received no response. I'd like to find a deal in the Northeast. A search pulled up Doug's Tubes on Long Island, which ... doesn't look much like a stereo store.
Does anyone know of a dealer in the northeast, preferably north of NYC?
David Lewis Audio near Philly carries Joseph. Tried dealing with him once but he lied in the first few minutes of our conversation so that was the end of him for me.
I don't mind driving to pa or de... but I haven't seen a phone number listed on their site to call. Does anyone have it? Thanks!
There certainly isn't a dealer in DC itself or the surrounding suburbs.  If there were, I'd have been there by now.  Nothing in Virginia I know of; you'll have to look in Delaware, Maryland, even Pennsylvania.  Did you try calling them on the phone?
Hi all, 

Anyone know of a JA dealer in the washington dc area? Even within a 1-2 hour drive? I also tried contacting JA through their website but have gotten no response. Thanks!  Dave
The cynical side of me suggest dealer listings aren't listed, because it's a chance for some manufacture's to sell direct.
It's become pretty common among high end audio brands to not provide their dealer listings online in order to support their local dealer agreements. If you contact them they will generally point you to your closest dealer but don't want to encourage price shopping across their dealer network.
Well, to be fair, if you refer back in this thread, you'll see that both I and wideload did receive prompt email replies from Jeff Joseph.  That said, I do wish there was a link for dealers on the JA web site.
Thought that I was doing something wrong, till I found this thread. After the AXOPNA show in Chicagoland, I have been trying to reach JA from their web site( also no phone #), but like others here I  have had no response, after multiple tries. Time to give up, and search for another speaker company, sigh.
I'm a huge JA fan, but I have never understood why there is no dealer list posted on their website.  Several times I've had to try Google searches for dealers when trying to respond to a post here, and I find it very annoying.  Also, it appears they just upgraded their website and still no dealer listing.  This is a ridiculous and unnecessary omission, and I wouldn't be surprised if has cost them some business over time.  Silly.  Just silly. 
Prior to retiring from the Air Force I traveled all the time. There were several times during my travels I wanted to purchase something and the dealer had to call the manufacturer to get approval to sell to me, because I lived out side of their district. Each time the answer was no, I had to use my local dealer. As a matter of fact I recently had a similar situation,  because there isn't a dealer close to me. I sent the manufacturer an email and he said that I didn't have a local dealer and I should purchase direct from him. He didn't want to refer me to a dealer. I decided not to pursue his product.  
Taylor at Goldprint is excellent to work with BUT his hands are tied based on his location somewhat.  I tried getting Joseph Audio Stuff from him BUT was told he couldnt get it for me because there was a Joseph Audio dealer in my state and thats who I had to use instead. Total BS if you ask me but thats the word that came directly from Joseph I bought nothing.
We are Joseph Audio Dealers (15 years+) located in Tucson, Arizona.  Our website is, and you can reach us at 520-722-6969 or cell 520-495-9091.  We have great deals on demo equipment and would be happy to discuss your equipment needs in detail.

Russ Fincher
I second and third the vote for Goldprint Audio, Taylor is an excellent dealer/person.
I guess I could try to pass this off to my geezerhood but its probably just being a dope. Went to empty my junk folder and something caught my eye-yup a response from Jeff Joseph dating back to my first inquiry. I didn't have the heart to see if he wasted his time beyond that
I believe Jeff Whitlock at A/V Solutions in Pleasanton, CA deals Joseph. He's a good guy.
+Vote for Goldprint Audio, excellent dealer/retailer operated by Taylor.Keep us posted wideload.  Happy Listening!
It looks like my plan for now will be to attend the Rocky Mountain this October. I see JA will be there. Thanks for your responses.
Goldprint audio in North Carolina is a dealer - don't know if that works for you
Keep us posted - wideload.JA has never kept an up-to-date website for reason(s) unknown? Perhaps his business does better selling direct than dealers/retailers?
Happy Listening!
Yes, it seems JA needs to up their game as to their web site.  After AXPONA, I checked their web site, but it's pretty sparse and no information about dealers.  And I did get a prompt reply to an email asking if they sell direct(I asked that because of the paucity of dealers).  He said to let him know where I'm located and he will see if there is a dealer near me with Pearls and Perspectives.  I decided not to follow up for now, as they are out of my price range sold as new. 
Russ Fincher Exquisite Expressions in Tucson AZ. I'm pretty sure he is on vacation right now, but I think he is due back next week.