Just another Orange fuse thread

I have noticed that since the Orange fuse was introduced, a few threads have as usual popped up but what is bugging me is that they are closed as soon as they are started. Why is so? Is discussing about fuses so controversial that it gets the same outcome when sex, religion and politics are brought up in internet discussions? Is this because of a few rotten apples/trolls that derail the discussions that those threads are closed? If this is the case, that's very sad. Anyone here care to explain?


@millercarbon Very well said. Thank you!
Playing live with bands and hearing all types of live music has been very helpful for me also.
The only reason threads like this get closed down is because trolls like George go out of their way to denigrate and incite others to levels of acrimony way out of proportion to the discussion. He even rejoices in the closing of threads, bragging about it like a 10 year old. Just go back and read his rants and you'll see.

All the best,
Maybe threads that trash people with an opposing view’s ability to appreciate art or listen properly deserve to be deleted? That seems to serve no useful purpose and would qualify as spam.

Personally I prefer them to stay. They are very educational.

Your skill in listening is only as good as the best system you’ve heard. And most systems bottom out pretty fast. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “but my system sounds fabulous!”