Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
The problem is not convincing yourself whether climate change is real but convincing other people that it’s real. If you can’t convince other people how can you possibly be convinced yourself?

How do you know heaven is beautiful? 
“Because it’s what I wish to believe.” - Dr. Elizabeth Shaw, Science Officer, Prometheus

”Big things have small beginnings.” - The robot David in Prometheus
You are right djones51

But we can makes an opinion for ourselves....About God, or about climate changes, if we really think hard and dont lie to ourselves...

Thinking hard is never stopping to think, and not lying to ourselves is always looking for something(truth) that cannot be our own property...

Opinions are at best only marking steps on a new road to the mountain of truth...

And " we're going all to the mountain" say some song... :)
Science  isn't interested in proving or disproving God or Gods more important  things to worry about like climate change.
The brain is convoluted, by natural necessity; human reason is not in the necessity to be convoluted each day to promote an agenda.... Falsities by use of numbers interpretations are always that: rhetorical exact delirium...This remind us at the end of those who try to lift themselves off the ground by their own hairs...

The problem with lying is that an accumulation of lies modify the structural functions of the brains, and the lightning up of areas linked to emotions and cognitive controls and stress are in the process to light up always and always more easily with more lies... Except for psychopath that had no moral internal code then no stress...

Someone lying too many often without good reason to say so, except his own benefit, will be lying more and more easily by the absence of internal moral constraints, these barriers undermined, less firmly reflected in the function of his own brain...For normal people it is like learning to be a psychopath by decreasing the stress but being always at the end unable to be really one( increasing stress)... Lying always seems to be free of cost at first, but it is an illusion of the lying process itself...By this way of getting around our moral ingrained personality composure we cheat our own brain up to a point only...( It will be interesting to make a neurological interpretation of the lying process in the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden just saying my 2 cents :) )

These opinions of mine are not science, like all my posts, but reflections and interpretations of mine around science or other matters...By definition science has no opinions it is a process...

This is simply brilliant....
97% Scientists Do Not Agree with Climate Change or the Solution

Blog/Climate Posted Jan 23, 2020 by Martin Armstrong

In 2009, the University of Illinois sent a survey online to about 10,000 scientists with the following two questions:


Do you agree that global temperatures have generally risen since the pre-1800s?

Do you think that human activity is a significant contributing factor?

Only 3146 responses were received of 10,000, and of that 31%, 90% said yes to the first question but 82% said yes to the second question.

This is how the fraud was carried out by people who have used this survey. They narrowed down the responses and found that among Meteorologists who responded, only 64% said yes to the second question, so about 1/3 said NO!

Then disregarding all the others of the 3146 responses, they focused on only 77 who described themselves as “climate experts” without any proof of their credentials and found that only 75 said yes to the second question.

Therefore, when we divide 75/77 we get to their claim of 97% of all scientists in the world say there is a climate emergency that warrants raising taxes and seizing property.

This was only 2.3% of those who bothered to respond and I doubt that they would agree with the solution which is COMMUNISM!


If we take the 75 responses of 10,000 scientists surveyed, that means that 0.0075% agreed that there is climate change with some human causality. Why are they lying to the entire world? Because behind this movement is the destruction of capitalism and the resurrection of communism. And people wonder why our computer has been forecasting that the financial capital of the world is moving to Asia? Climate Change Activists are trying to recreate the Marxist experiment all over again.

And I’m a macaroni.
millercarbon OP
I and the Father are one. Well, of course you are. Thousands of years later and all of modern science has produced not one shred of evidence to the contrary.

>>>>You can’t prove a negative. Hel-loo! I am the Egg Man.
..but, then again....there's always the 'Matrix option'...

...I've had an....'interesting backstory'....having been subjected to such....;)

...and more than simple posts could ever explain....
Whether one likes that....or inconsequential...

We really are ghosts in the machine....

Lucy's final message, @ the end of the Final Fracas in the film....

I am Everywhere

...struck me then (and still echos, even now) as our Ultimate Fate....perhaps...

Our biological existence ceases....matter returns to the source, the body dissipates back to the earth we were assembled from...

The energy, the 'electron flow' that drives our thoughts, our motions, emotions, the 'waking>sleep' impetus we call 'a life' does as well.....

...surely does too.  We actually 'do' be Everywhere...yet again.

And That...seems to be the price of consciousness.

We have no knowledge of existence prior to birth.  Some claim to 'prior lives' but even a dolt like yours truly can 'extrapolate' into my dog's paws and POV...and consider life on the floor....

wake/wag/out/piss/poop/eat/petting/wag/lay on bed/sleep/etc.

Simple, sheer existence. *S*  We're the one's who make it pleasant or not.

"And, in the end...." *Poof* Gone.

Just because we can consider it.....contemplate it, fear it, accept it (or not)....

It is what it is until it isn't.

Literally, back to the future, the Void.

An insane amount of millennia later, Perhaps....

"YOU"...might be back. 

As Van Morrison's "Into The Mystic" ends....

" another another another face...."

One just has to be patient....but, that's kinda inevitable, under the circumstance... *G* ;)
*S* Thanks, nonoise.....

Every now and again, my muse takes me by the keys and goes walkabout...

....and I'm prone to wonder and wander.

The movie Lucy is a favorite of mine.  A very 'one-way' LSDish trope; reminds one of the 'red or blue pill' choice in the Matrix...

You take one or the other....there is No Return.

But, we face that daily anyway....*L*

(...meanwhile, back to Reality...which is still in progress, or seems to be...)

To be or not to, whatever....*L*

This is my vote for the Most Engaging Forum; Off-topic category.

Marvelous what a bit of snow can cause.... ;)
(...!...I knew it...they're going to swerve right into quantum cosmology with a side of mention of holographic reality yet, but....perhaps that's dessert....)

Figured it 'all' out yet?

Just as I thought....

Do me a favor....(not to emulate the Prez, but there it is...)

Step outside, and look up.  Hopefully, a nice clear night of the lights of uncivilization.....

...and you can only see a minuscule fraction of what's really 'out there'...

...and what allows one to see it, much less comprehend...

...or, for that matter (mind, over), How you can...or even begin to grasp the enormity of it....and the depth of time....

...and IF there's an entity behind it all....

 A small lifeform on a backwater planet...a goldfish in it's bowl....

Striving to be and become Lucy....( the film, not the ancestor....).

Most of the 'current' religions would rather have you in blinders, dark glasses, and cower in guilt.

Most of the older ones, primarily Eastern, would have one just 'go with it, it's beyond our grasp'...

Half full...half empty....or does the glass exist at all?

*S*  I am but a tiny flashbulb in the dark, here and gone.

Briefer than a candle, a dust mote in the light, floating by....

I'm OK with that.

Any explanations may prove to be no better than the shapes of gods in the night sky, squatting about the fire, chipping flints....

We still have a long way to go tomorrow.

The route unclear, still fraught with danger and hazard.

We are still our own worst enemy, the lizard core of our brain still rules our steps.


But not wise

I and the Father are one. Well, of course you are. Thousands of years later and all of modern science has produced not one shred of evidence to the contrary.

I saw Jesus once, the year was 1973 at the sportsdrome in Jeffersonville IN at a
J Geils concert. He wasn’t a child. 
Post removed 
  • "I don’t want to talk about Jesus, I just want to see his face."

Look into the face of a child.

Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m a schizophrenic and so am I. 

I point you to this article because you can see that these matters is not ruled impossible at all years ago... It is always a matter of experiments to decide... Then the affirmation that quantum effect in living cell is too warm is only that: an opinion no more so much trusted...

The probable outcome point toward this possibility because Nature knows better than us...

This is another line of research in the same direction...

No proof but.... what this  is indicating is the direction of existing quantum effects in living cells...
I followed someone’s advice and looked in the mirror. But I didn’t see Jesus.

No? I and the Father are one. So now, look again.
Tony Heller reminds me of all the evolution deniers he just attacks others work by cherry picking and obfuscating, why doesn't  he go out and do his own climate work to disprove the theory that humans are contributing to climate change? It's  one thing to nitpick others work and quite another to go out and do your own to prove something. Just like the proponents of ID or creationism he has nothing of his own to submit for peer review to prove his points. 
Oh, geez, not Tony Heller again! How does he do that with his voice? 
I saw the Buddha in a grilled cheese sandwich when I held it up to a mirror.
There is nothing in the quanta magazine article that would lead one to say
 " quantum effects exist in wet biological living environment "  , there is nothing in that article to make that conclusion or even assumption. He has an interesting  hypothesis but tests so far have not been promising but who knows they might find something  or at least rule it out.
Geoffkait I can assure you that you look very much like him.... :)

You are a very friendly but reserved soul and you preach in the desert....

I dont even speak of your humor...
I followed someone’s advice and looked in the mirror. But I didn’t see Jesus. 👿 
By the way for a swift brain :) the saying of Christ in the gospels says more about him than any photographic evidence... Never mind the photo of Lao-tse, read the Tao-te-King, it is like instantaneous upgrade of the brain or an upgrade of amplifier to be even more clear...:)

It takes 2000 thousand years to mathematics to be up with the seer from China, and it is called category theory...Like often say one of my friend here... Hellooo...

I apologize if I tease you I am drunk... The wine from Australia is very good...
The fact that the mind interact with a quantum device in the brain or result from a quantum effect in the brain, was not proved at all, facts only goes in this direction, quantum mechanics also... But it is only theory, Penrose is not anybody, but this is only theory...

But pleased I beg you to point to me another theory of consciousness that scale from the quantum, towards the cellular level ( microtubules), toward a memory new theory, toward a theory linking gravity and quantum, with an original interpretration of the quantum (orch.Or : orchestrated objective waves reduction )… This is no proof that he was right, but wait, which other theory makes that possible?

I wait, put the link and I will quit this thread to read it with more than enthusiasm...

Mathematics tough for me is a more potent revelation than any physics theory of the nature of consciousness ….

I don’t want to talk about Jesus, I just want to see his face.

Look in a mirror.
The Rhodes book is of course  wonderful, appreciate the other references. With just one peer reviewed publication, I am a nobody also. I do wonder IF assuming the mind is a Quantum device, has anybody tried making a hat out of Perfect Path sheets ! Tin Foil is so lower echelon genius...
I want to see the faces of the fake white Christians turned away at the gate by... Black Peter

Stenger’s brief ’ Is the Brain a Quantum Device’ talks about Penrose and his notion the brain or consciousness is somehow quantum that he puts forth in His book The Emporers New Mind, the brain is to large and to hot to be a quantum device coherent or not. Physicists, neuroscientists and those in th AI community say the notion of quantum consciousness or brains is not supported by the evidence.
Stengers are old ideas that begins to changes :

quantum effects exist in wet biological living environment
Something cannot be too big to be quantum mechanical. That was one of the concepts of Schrödinger’s cat. 🐈  In fact the double slit experiment applies not only to photons and electrons but also to bowling balls. 🎳 In fact, I have more than a few quantum mechanical products that are not small. I’ve been designing quantum mechanical dumaflaches for 15 years. My Super Intewigent Chip, by contrast, is very small inasmuch as it has only a million atoms for the active ingredient. That is small, gentle readers! The line between classical physics and quantum physics is getting very blurry.
"Igor, go fetch me that brain!" "Yes, Master!" - And we all know how that turned out!
Stenger's  brief ' Is the Brain a Quantum Device' talks about Penrose and his notion the brain or consciousness is somehow quantum that he puts forth in His book The Emporers New Mind, the brain is to large and to hot to be a quantum device coherent or not. Physicists, neuroscientists and those in th AI community say the notion of quantum consciousness or brains is not supported by the evidence. 
Wow! iI seems very interesting page turner... I will look for it certainly...I like entertainment and learning in the same stroke...Thanks Geoffkait

By the way I would have never called my numbers dreams a comatose dreams but it is on a way right on the spot.... :)

 I already have it... I will read it thanks....
If you want to actually learn something instead of lulling yourself into a catatonic state over mathematical or philosophical texts check out The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes.

You are right Stengers is way more interesting than Chopra...Stengers by the way recently wrote a book about the great Alfred North Whitehead...I read it with pleasure...

There is a hiererachy level in complexity of information in all the books there is...

We must begins by books we can at least understand a little... And go on with more difficult books and subjects... This is an entire life history of reading and studying...

I like meditation and the links between subjects, concepts and perspectival view...

Something to see before dying...

A great Polish mathematician Sierpinski had inscribed on his tombstone : " here lied a traveler of the infinite"...
I prefer books more along the line of Stengers, Quantum Gods than new age gobbledygook like Chopra. 

I like Sheldrake by the way very much....And I think that you are right about him...But Penrose ( I admire him tough) is not in the same level league that the 3 mathematicians I named... I can assure you that they are not unknown " dudes".... And thanks I will read the" presence of the past"... Oups! I read it in french when he was translated many years ago (25 years ago)....

By the way one of my best friend deceased now has a measured I.Q. too high to mention, nobody ever heard of him at all...( The psychatrist that measure him says that he was schizophrenic to my not complete amazement tough) I teach him chess and I was never able to beat him after the first takes... Even if I am not a great chess player that say something...:)
You forgot your favorite, Roger Penrose, a Nobel laureate if I’m not mistaken, unlike all those dudes nobody ever heard of, who describes consciousness as quantum mechanical in his book, The Emperor’s New Mind. But all those heavy math dudes pale in comparison to Rupert Sheldrake’s opus, The Presence of the Past. The best part is it can be applied to audio. If it can’t be applied to audio I actually don’t care, even if the guy’s IQ can’t be measured. We had a guy in high school whose IQ couldn’t be measured. Nobody ever heard from him again. 
There is many very profound mathematicians that had explored that...

Some are unknown but many are known...

Georg Cantor, Alexander Grothendieck, Shinichi Mochizuki, are the most important one in the known realm...The last one call his theory inter-universal geometry, but in reality this theory is about the multicellular structure of an all encompassing field, I called universal memory, it is for sure my own takes on that..

The first one create modern mathematics single handly ...

The 2 others go to deep levels of abstraction and more in the way on revealing the universal memory cellular structure...

Grothendieck has even written 2 thousand pages in french about creativity and spiritual matters linked to his works in mathematics…( His written mathematics covers 80,000 pages probably) He is recognized by those who knows like one of the greatest mathematician right at the left of Archimedes or Riemann or Gauss, or the extraterrestrial Ramanujan...
Grothendieck is the genius spiritual father of the Japanese one...

The Japanese one exceed the ordinary understanding... Because his theory concern the universal links between entire historical universes and their structural metabolism...His theory is way beyond actual physics...We must wait probably 50 years at least...

I had no pretense at all by the way, I am not a scientist, only a very motivated dreamer...I only speak about that to suggest to you that perhaps there is other perspective than the death of this universe...And the absurdity of life... Believing is not seeing, but seeing is always believing…. Mathematics is the most powerful glasses there is...There are glasses only tough... There is other means of direct experience for sure without any glasses...That’s all...

My best to you...
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