Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
I've vented enough bile for one night....


Lets' watch what happens next in this 'tellanovella' ...

*L*  Making history is such a messy affair.... ;)

Oh, and thanx for the G. Marx....was always a fan of the M.Bros...

...esp. when Harpo harped for real....*S*

Good night to y'all....and may your aim be true... ;)
Man o man, I haven't heard of rock salt in quite a while. When my mom was a kid, she and her friends would play around in a neighbors field and do what kids do. Long story short, she got some rock salt in her butt, courteously of a 20 gauge.

All the best,
...there are those that don't deserve what happens to them.

...people on a jetliner....heading home, or off to the next event. their next appointment in their life.....

...having not one, but 2 weapons hit their plane...and 70 seconds of sheer terror, undeserved....

But, in this case....

I'm really not a vindictive live/ some sh*t happens....

But when it's on purpose...and it's treated as 'SOP' when it's certainly not....

One gets what one sows....sow salt, get a face full of rock salt....
"Good night to all friends and foes, after all, rest only naught" Groucho Marx
Personally, I don't think his 'handlers' (the lawyers and what's left of those about him that have assisted in this travesty) will allow this to happen.

It would be like being aboard Kobe's chopper...hauling ass through the fog, wondering What Could Happen.....

...and it does. Over in a heartbeat....but some of us know how long that can feel like....

...that flash of "OH, FU"

...except....You're still Alive.

...and getting to deal with the wreckage.

I would grant understanding...a bit of pity....but not much else.

Some things some deserve....
" The Devil said to me : what took you so long" Groucho Marx :)

" There is no climate changes, we live in a four seasons country only" Groucho Marx
@asvjerry , yes, like mahgister stated, well said. 

But, I think we shouldn't be too kind as of yet because something tells me, if and when this house of cards all comes tumbling down, he'll just smirk and say, "what took you so long?" and then flip on everyone to get the best deal for his sentencing.

All the best,
I dreamed a bad dream about a world without elephants and tigers...How sad...Elephant are more mythical beast than ordinary animals... They mourn their dead one...

I hope human will keep them aboard the ship... They speak to our soul without any words...A world without animals cannot be human...

" Darwin was wrong, all devolute" Groucho Marx
Nonoise, that'd be the best bit of 'reality television' we could ever hope for....  Horribly sad, and ultimately hard to watch....but an object lesson in the cost of hubris....

Darnold's spent his life ducking hook, crook, and sheer bluster.....but the chickens do eventually come back to the roost....

...but when the chickens come home hungry for their pound of flesh....

It would be hard to watch a man shatter before one's eyes....or attempt to maintain the image he's spent so long creating melt.

Just desserts....
I think we must go back to climate changes debate if we want to rescue millercarbon… :)

After all he is the OP of this thread and we must help him...
" If God judge you what will you say? it is all an act " Groucho Marx

" The only problem with lies is tracking them in old age" Groucho Marx
Sorry, I avoid hagiographies like the plague. To say he's prescient glosses over the fact that there's lots of people like him and he just happened to make it to the top, which exposed him on a national and  worldwide basis. 

You see it's all an act. Right after Trump won, his son Eric, was confronted by a Muslim comedian (the name escapes me). Eric told him to relax, that it's all an act for them.

In the new book, A Very Stable Genius (just out), Scaramucci , asks Trump if it's all an act. Trump replied that it is and always was, and that he didn't understand why people didn't get it.

Personally, I'd love to see him testify, but he never will. Back when Dowd was prepping him for Mueller, he called it off and said if Trump did testify, he (Dowd) would end up in an orange jumpsuit, right next to him. The man is barely controllable and flies off the handle on a second's notice. He'd implicate himself in a matter of minutes.

All the best,
"OMG!  WAPO Truth Tellers!  RUN!"

It hurts!The painthepainthepain....


You are not a warmer but a birther... Ok you want that we listen to 45 minutes of this Trump very emotional biography... Really I almost cry for the few beginning minute...I will listen to it tomorrow if you listen to these 4 minutes youtube...

Bloomberg on Trump the last one minute

" Lies are pocket money" Groucho Marx

"Head like a hole
Black as your soul
I'd rather die
than give you control..."

well...time to take it back. promised...*S*  (I like to keep them...karmically a plus..;)...)

An interlude well spent; dinner, dishes, and dishing from the daily news...

Ah, Mike...."I didn't know what was going on with Darnold!"

....why does that sound like Monday AM quarterbacking....on the following Friday?  Especially when others have indicated otherwise....and no VP is That Clueless....

...seems a lot of Senators are (a least) nervous....if not out 'n out Spooked.....

"Can I get a Witness?!"  You Bet...*L*  Let's get the Rude' on the stand....

Talk about a comedy act.....then, let's have the Headliner on stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen.....Mr. Stable Genius!  Please hold your applause!" a dead silent house.....'excuse me...the Senile spinners....

But, they're quite Awake now, aren't they?

Now....the real show begins..... ;)

Hey, MC?   It's, sit're beginning to come down from an overdose of the not-so-KoolAid....Truth is a bit of wrench, and the effects are initially unpleasant....

..but, it'll get better....clarity has a calming quality that, after the shock subsides, makes the fog of fallacy clear....

Like getting a bucket of rubbing alcohol poured on your naked body in a stiff wind.....;)
This is long, but watch it, really watch and listen, not arguing, not tuning out, but actually listening to what the guy has been saying all along. Tell me its not damn near prescient. Tell me this is not a great man. Just please get the order straight- watch first, THEN tell.
Gore Vidal has that which lacks to Roy Cohn, a real working brain... A great writer also, and a great politician brain too intelligent to be trusted by some crowds...

" The honest brain only think, the crook’s brain walk " Groucho Marx
@mahgister, Ah yes....good 'ol Roy Cohn. 

Dirty as they come, screwed everyone, and eventually disbarred. 
To think he was Trump's go to guy for advice speaks volumes.

By the way, I loved Gore Vidal. He's the one who came up with,
The United States of Amnesia.

All the best,

Do you know the name of the mentor and friend of Trump in the beginnings of his business?

That says all... Read that and between the lines you will understand...

This Roy Cohn was also the mentor of the Senator McCarthy, illustrious creative and manipulative grey mind behind the communists witch hunt that destroy careers and lifes...

There is an instructive amazing debate on tv between Roy Cohn and Gore Vidal... (youtube)

"Rats of the same color like sunbathing together" Groucho Marx

I am I am betting you can see Hanitys tonsils on that big screen of yours...
And the hangers on keep going to jail

but Charlie please do explain away all his associates in the slammer and more headed that way.....

iF you were first in your logic class, I suspect y’all should be seeking a refund 
Trump plays 4-d chess....For sure...

"No commentary is commentary" Groucho Marx

Millercarbon, I trust more the advice about Trump given during his election campaign by Bloomberg the ex mayor of New-York, "The little crooks of New-York i know them well "
Anybody can see that Trump is void of any real decency...
Good Lord Miller.
You truly are serious aren't you?

Trump is for real.

DYODD. Please. The man is for real.

Look into the Central Park skating rink, the lady living rent free in Trump tower, the mugging he jumped out of the limo to stop, the guy who stopped to help change a tire and got his mortgage paid off, on and on and on. Obama said those jobs are not coming back- now the economy is so good they won't even talk about it. That's how you know its all fake. They go on and on and on Trump is this Trump is that- where's the evidence behind any of the negative stories? I asked the rabid dem at work, why is he racist? What has he actually done? Give me one example! Nada.
Plus- and this is the best part of all- go watch how consistent Trump has been over the years. Like he's been planning for this his whole life.I see YouTube is doing its usual thing making it impossible to find what you're looking for, which they always do when they don't want you finding it. So maybe tomorrow. But seriously=
DYODD. Please. Trump is for real.
Most of them feels now like rats in the watering boat, they will turn against each other to save their skin...

"Soak the boat and kills the rats" Groucho Marx
This just in: Mark Short, former aide to Trump and now for Pence, says Pence never heard what Bolton told Trump. And Romney is openly calling for Bolton to testify.

The knives are coming out...
There is no democracy possible without thinking voters, without education democracy does not exist except on the manipulated theater...

The dumbing down is studied well by some scholars (Chomsky etc).

Trump is surfing on this wave of ignorance that touch the sky with modern illiteracy created by entertainment tv first, and now with greater power with phones...

Some think that connecting brain with A.I. will make them smart seriously... (Kurzweil)
 What can we say exceeding this limit?

The spectacle of very intelligent man walking with no clues to their fate is amazing...The only explanation for this is greed for power and fears...

Sad but true story: I met a woman at a wine tasting and the topic turned to politics. We discussed candidates and she went on about Hillary being a pedophile (you know, Pizzagate) and it was then that I told her what Churchill said: "The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."

She was taken aback some and asked if I was insulting her. The poor thing really didn't know.

All the best,
Deplorables, the coalition of deplorables made it happen with a big nudge from Vladimir

i have yet to meet a Dumpsterfire supporter who would let wife and daughter stay overnight at Trump Tower top floor... but hey, let’s give em Nukes...

grab em by the Beatitudes.... oh that’s right, he didn’t say that did he
You know that Millercarbon, because in the electorate pool of Trump voters, you are a luminary, a stellar brain mastering logic, the ordinary Trump voter does not even know the word rubles... :)

You are so to speak an Einstein in the Trump crowds. I said it seriously...I respect your intelligence even if I mock your vote...But like my wife said often to me, intelligence is not good judgment... :)

There is one thing that work for Trump, except for the teaching help of his father and of his other crooked mentor in the beginning and this is luck... The man has more luck than all the New-York state population...

But even luck has a date of expiration....

If he was a friend of mine by the way of fate,i will advise him not to trouble himself in buying casinos to be rich, I will advise him to buy a ticket... Deal done...

This story is true:

«What that takes to be elected great marshal of the French empire your majesty, ask a beautiful woman to Napoleon...
He smile and said nothing...
The woman said: "I know he must be courageous..."
The emperor was smiling but staying mute...
Another older woman answered :" He must be intelligent your majesty for sure ? "
The emperor was laughing...
A teen lady walk in, saying candidly " He must be good with the arms and strong on horses"
The emperor was too much laughing to answer immediately...But at the end says that: " My dear ladies what use would be a strong, courageous, intelligent, able with arms Marshall if he is not lucky? He can die the first day of battle."
And all were laughing with the Emperor...

" Luck is the opposite of truth, we ask for luck when there is none" Chico Marx

Don't go lumping me in there. I know perfectly well Russia has been diversifying out of dollars and into gold, bypassing the normal global dollar exchange system in favor of direct currency exchange with trading partners. Same goes for China.

Every time we foolishly use our dollar dominance to punish with sanctions we only encourage all the more strongly the move out of the dollar. Foolish, because it undermines confidence in the currency. Which being fiat, confidence is all.

Not that any of this is reported in "the international news" here, any more than the truth about the fake climate crisis or the truth about the billions democrats like the Bidens and Clintons have siphoned out of Ukraine. But the truth is there, you just have to go looking for it.
Which I do. And encourage everyone else to do as well.
3,695 posts01-27-2020 9:35pmPravda is just Rubles washed into dollars....
Your post is a candid illustration of my point about the total absence of international news, and the total ignorance of the world scene in the American media...Russia dont need US dollars no more for years...Asia go with them, and the world wait …. Then Pravda can be just rubles washed into rubles...If I can correct … :)
a smooth-talking
Actually he really is not very smooth talking at all, his public speaker demeanor is quite pathetic.
Reminds me very much of, " are you smarter than a 5th grader"
At which Tramp fails miserably and sets a new low bar.
I'm going to pause for a moment....I have much better activities to attend to, then to waste the energy in my fingers, illustrating the fallacy of a fool...

But, like Arnold....

"I'll be back..."
The 'man' is a hopeless aberration...a smooth-talking backtracking backstabbing lecher...
Rules by whim...if that fails, threats....followed by small minded fear....
Sometimes ago, there exist 2 empires of lies...One imploded on the pression of truth...

The other one survives for a moment, but truth being truth, the other one was imploding right now under our eyes...

" What is truth? " - A roman governor of Judea

"Truth is like bread, you love it more when there is none"  Groucho Marx
@asvjerry , you’re not alone.
In fact, the majority of this country feels the same way you do.

By the way, I wish I could go out and be humbled by the stars that used to do that back when I was young.

All the best,
(Not really, but thanks for the vote of support...;)....)

I've not trusted nor liked the 'man' since the day I learned of his....existence...such as that consists of....

If allowed to continue....before the 'Proctors' of this site muzzled me, and slammed the door on this forum shut....

I would turn this page 'colors' that would make forest fire or volcanic flow look like a child's 7/4 sparkler.....turn down your heater....put on your sunglasses....SPF 100 on your eyes....
I just fear that we may be where Rome was, when it failed:

So many parallels that it's starting to rhyme, again. 

All the best,
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