Modest/Simple System Building Help Wanted...


I am looking for some advice on building a modest, simple system. Preferable using a good integrated amp with a digital front end...preferably a universal player for the occasional movie viewing. I listen to a wide variety of music from rock to blues, classical, jazz and acoustic. I lean toward a warmer presentation and find the Thiel sound fatiguing to my ear. In the end I am budgeting (all from AudiogoN of course!) ~ $800-1200 for the amp, ~ $500-800 for the front end & ~ $1000-$1500 for speakers. Cabling can get crazy in a hurry but of course a necessary part of the system. I can see spending ~ $1000 for a pair of good speaker cables and interconnects. That puts the budget in the $3500 - $4500 range. To my way of thinking this should be enough to put together a musically satisfying system without getting a second mortgage.

Thanks for your time and interest...Steve
I second the Naim/Denon suggestion. For Speakers check out the Epos M16i, Quad 21L2 or 22L2.
My recommendation for a $4500 killer system:

Wadia 830 $1600
Wright Sound 2A3 Mono Blocks $900
High efficiency single driver speakers ~1,000
Auralex diffusors $700
Bass Traps DIY $200
Cables DIY $100

Yes the Wadia is a bit pricey, but a bargin high-end CDP.

Google Chris VenHaus for DIY cable recipes. I especially like the CAT5 speaker cables.

The diffusors could also be DIY. See the Decware web site for plans and excellent white papers on acoustic treatments.

Enjoy the audio journey.
as far as cables go, I just bought a set of nordost blue heaven ic's from a fellow a'goner for $100.00 and they really opened up the sound of my system.
Way under your budget, but should easily contend...

Naim NAIT 5i integrated - $850ish used

NAIM or CHORD RCA-DIN interconnects - $80 to $150ish

Naim NACA5 speaker cable, 3.5 meter - $150ish used.

Denon DVD 5900 Universal - $400ish used

Speakers - look at Totem, Proac, Spendor...

Pink Fish Media Forum and The Naim Forum discuss classic Naim-speaker combos at length.

Good luck!
Could you elaborate a bit: Glow Amp One modifications by "X"? Who or what is "X"? Thanks!
I recently built a second system which I enjoy very much. If you find Thiels to be annoying at the high end, this kind of system cures that because it is a bit rolled off (I'll be working to fix that over the next several months on my system after I do some other stuff). I think it is fabulous bang for buck.

Speakers - I bought Altec Model 19s for $1200 delivered a few hundred miles away. Love'em.
Integrated Amp - I use an EAR 859 (bot mine for ~$1600). Several nice tube integrated available on Audiogon at $1000-1500.
CDP - I use a Sony SCD 777ES (<$1k used).
Cables - I use some old stuff lying around for cheap but expect to make my own soon.

If I were to build a system from scratch, using the top end of your range, it would be Altec Model 19s (~$1k+), a Jadis Orchestra Reference integrated ($1800?), a DIY TwistedPearAudio Buffalo DAC - probably $700-750 including custom-self-designed enclosure from (the next time TPA gets stock in on the Buffalo)). That would get me to $3500. I would spend $200 on used Anti-cables/Anti-ICs, $50 on materials for some DIY bass traps, and then the remainder on a used Mac Mini, an external HDD, USB cable, and an Apple TV. That should all be doable for under $4500. I expect you could play DVDs on the MacMini. If you really wanted a one-box universal player, you could exchange the DAC+PC for a modded Denon 3910 or 5900, which used would probably run you $1200-1400 (leaving you enough for the cables/traps).

Separately, if you are a DIYer or want to work on something over several weekends, you could do worse than Bottlehead or Hagerman kits with some highly efficient speakers. A pair of monoblocks and a pre will get you to $2k plus your time, and a USB DAC (Hagerman has one already, Bottlehead will have a DAC in a few/several? months, or use a Benchmark or a one-box universal), plus some DIY cables or anti-cables still gets in at ~$4500.
Omega Super 8 Alnico XRS floorstanders. - $3500 new
Glow Amp-1 (new version) with modifications by "X" - $650 new + $350 mods.
Use you PC for source. Also, inexpensive analog rig would be nice - Rega makes nice entry price turntables as well as Technics and Music Hall.

or you can wait for upcoming affordable RWA integrated with USB DAC.

Musical Fidelity (A3cr or A3.2cr) amp and pre or integrated.

Denon DVD 5900 or 5910 universal player

Von Schweirkert VR-2 speakers. 4Jr's if your budget allows. Maybe spend less on cable to start.