More effecient speakers?


my current rig is

-Acoustic Zen Adagios
-Hegel H160 integrated
-Jolida JD9 Mk2 phono
-Oppo 105
-VPI HW-19 Mk 4 with a Benz Ace 

im pretty happy with it, but I wonder if having more effecient speakers would enhance the sound? The AZ's are rated 89db. Do I need more effecient speakers? My budget is $3k new or used.  I'm more of a clinical, technical listener who nonetheless loves sound on the warmer side. 

Thank you for guidance and patience. 
No brainer recommendation.  Tekton Double Impacts. Right at your 3k budget shipped to your door.
Efficient speakers don't just play louder--they are more dynamic, a quality that many speakers fall short in.
But these speakers are fr more than efficient.  They are great all around performers.  Best $3000 dollars I ever spent in audio.
Check out the pure audio projectspeakers, incredible bargains if you can handle an Allen wrench and screw driver .I bought the Trio15 with Voxativ mid-tweeter driver best speaker I ever owned,and many were 2-3x the money of these.
Larryi yes mine are Triangle Titus XS. They sound as you describe but I find they can become somewhat shrill on some amps.

I currently run them of Bel Canto C5i digital integrated, 60w/ch. No speakers I've used sound shrill on this amp including the Triangles.  Have also used OHM Walsh 100, personally refurbed OHm Ls, and Dynaudio COntour 1.3mkII monitors.    The extra efficiency of the Triangles versus those is definitely a plus with the 60 w/ch Class D amp along the lines we have discussed here.

I recently added a sub back into that system. I needed some more bass extension with the little Triangles. Other options I considered included getting bigger Triangles, but this is in the family room where WAF matters a lot and smaller is better than bigger. SO I picked up a tiny but big hitting used Klipsch sw-308 at a local shop for a very good price and am very happy.

I would give Johnny's (audioconnection) suggestion a try. He has a lot of experience setting up systems, and his knowledge of your equipment shows he has a grasp of what you are looking for.
This stems from my recent experience when I sold my beloved LSA Statement integrated (hybrid; 150w/ch) and replaced it with a Triode Corp TRV-35 (tube; 35 w/ch push-pull). It just wasn't powerful enough for the Adagios and their 89db. And I was wondering if a more efficient set of speakers would have allowed the Triode to sing.
I completely agree with larryi assessment about low efficiency/sensitivity speakers sound best with low powered class A amps played at low to moderate volumes. If matched correctly, nothing even mega bucks high powered amps and giant size speakers systems can come close. It’s like magic.
It is interesting that you own, and like, Triangle speakers.  I like them a lot too.  They pull off the very difficult task of being lively sounding and sort of on the brighter side, without that brightness translating to being shrill or sibilance.
I had Triangle Titus's for a long time and loved them. Sold them wen I got Reference 3A de Capo's, but still remember them fondly. It's a brand I wouldn't hesitate to return to.

I know what you are saying. I have little Triangle monitors that are more efficient and sound best at lower volumes. Mostly because they are small and not made to go too loud.

No doubt a more efficient speaker will "wake up" sooner with fewer watts.

I would also agree in general that a lot of power is not needed to listen at lower volumes.


Most of the high efficiency speakers I really like tend to NOT have as their forte the ability to play really loud.  Rather, they tend to sound great when playing at lower volume.  This includes some truly gigantic systems.

While not the same design, but the same designer, I much prefer the low-powered First Watt amps (I've had the J2 in my system for two weeks, I heard a friends S.I.T. amp) over any of the Pass Lab amps I've heard. 

My very favorite amps are a pushpull tube amp running 252 meshplate tubes and a custom-built 35 watt OTL amp.  The amps I own include a 6.5 watt Audio Note Kageki (parallel SET 2a3) and a custom-built pushpull 5.5 watt amp (249 output tubes).  I like both amps more than any of the high-powered solid state amps I've heard (I like high-powered tube amps even less than most solid state amps). 

But, I do think you have a good point about some new designs.  When price is a consideration, some of the reasonably priced Class D amps are decent sounding (I like Bel Canto).  These days, almost none of the better solid state designs are unpleasant sounding, they just seem a little dull and not as engaging as low-powered tube amps when playing at reasonable volume levels (higher volume is needed to make the music come alive with most solid state).

The only advantage of high efficiency speakers is to be able to go louder with how ever many watts. In a typical home, higher efficiency might benefit in more cases than many might expect, similar to using a more powerful amp.

FWIW I’ve never heard a lower power amp of the same design/line sound better than the higher powered ones. Whether one design is better than another is a different story and there are many wonderful sounding amps out there with a wide range of power ratings. NEWer amp technology like Class D offers great sounding higher power amps not practical for many prior which is a BIG game changer.
I stream Tidal at its highest res through the Oppo.  Good enough DAC on the 105?

To me, one of the big reasons to explore high efficiency speakers is to be able to use low-powered amps; most of the best sounding amps are low powered (under 20 watts of power).  I don't think one gains anything by getting high efficiency speakers to work with high-powered amps.  Exploring such a complete change to one's system would probably require a lot more than $3,000.

I like Mapman's suggestion about looking into a new DAC and streaming or a server.  That would not only improve sound, it would open up music that is available to you considerably.

Hey - i think the overwhelming consensus here is to be happy with what I have - which I am. And you're right - it's a cheaper and more fulfilling state of being.

I guess I'm like many on this forum - eager to explore what else is out there.
(((would enhance the sound? The AZ’s are rated 89db. Do I need more efficient speakers?))

The word enhance could that mean things
I’ll presume you want to be more entertained?

What if you asked the opposite question?
What if I and went down on efficiency?
Could we find more enhancement, more cohesiveness and be more entertained?
I would also take a look at trying the Matching Hegal Dac XLR out into your 160 XLR in nice improvment eexpected over oppo

With 150 watts on tap, you have enough power for virtually any speaker.  If you are looking for a different/improved sound, you might find it with more efficient speakers or less efficient speakers, it would not matter because you have more than enough power, so, pick according to sound preference. 

I think you have a nice complement of gear and cannot readily think of anything that would greatly improve the sound that does not involve a massive expenditure. 

Are these the Floor standers or stand mounts?

I heard the FS driven by EAR 100wpc tube amp. Although I wasn’t thrilled entirely with that presentation, due to some other aspects of the system but not the power, amp driving them, it proved to me as was just said, you can get by with a fairly decent number of amps. Tube or SS.

True too, before I would throw the baby out with the bath water, I’d look into a different amp.

Possibly too, a different power cord for the INT could be just the ticket to increase refinement and extension, if this has not already been done. It will only be a greater benefit if indeed you choose to investigate adding another amp later.

I would however, keep the power level at 60wpc and above..

Given your input for listening preffs, adding a more powerful amp will or should yield more clarity into the presentation, ala your desire to gain that via higher Eff speakers.

Usually, more power will better control speakers. As such they should perform better providing less distortion. Am not familiar with your INT specs.

You do have options besides wholesale changes.


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You probably spent a lot of time choosing those speakers. If you like them, why upset the apple cart and start all over again just in the name of efficiency? If you are worried that they need more power, consider getting a more powerful Hegel, or a different amp altogether.