Musical Family Trees...

A thread on what artists you have the most of in your collection just got me thinkin' about how I file successor bands under the original band in my alpha collection--people think I'm strange, b/c the Throwing Muses shows up under the Pixies. Frankly, a *lot* of stuff shows up under the Pixies.

Anyway, I remember a book from the 70s or 80s where someone graphically laid out the family tree of a number of different bands--who played with who, incarnations of acts at different times, stuff like that (anyone remember the book? I'd like to try and find one, but can't remember the name of it). There were some surprising results in terms of who is related to who indirectly . Seems like this is the kind of thing an internet database would be great for. Anyone know if anyone has done anything like this?
You can also find an interesting family chart on an old John Mayall LP called Back to the Roots
It surprised me when I saw some of the bands that grew into and out of Jethro Tull. Even Tommy Iommi from black Sabbath played with them for a short time. A keyboard player from Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow, and a little Fairport Convention are found too.

Anyone interested can get the scoop on

It might be fun.
I do remember relating to the scene where Louiso comes over to John Cusak's place and catches him rearranging his collection. When asked how he is arranging things--"god forbid not alphabetically"--Cusak replies "nah, I'm arranging them by period of my life."

Cusak's discourse on making great mix tapes to impress women is also priceless.

Sean--I've got a couple of the old Trouser Press guides. The thing I'm thinking of is a large format book where its all hand lettered, with these big sheets taking up two pages densely filled will all sorts of strange factoids... This is starting to annoy me.

Alright, found it. I gather its still in print:
There's some very amusing references to how an obsessive collector arranges his collection in the hilarious Nick Hornby novel "High Fidelity". Stephen Frears managed to get a pretty good film from that one too, with some great comic performances by Jack Black with Todd Louiso as his nerdish shy and quiet straight man (also a great performance). John Cusack kicks-ass as usual, and Iben Hjejle...well shit, I'm in love already all over again...but I'm married, so I can't say nuthin' like I wanna' say cause my wife'll read this and I'll catch some major bitch-whippin', then haveta' do some grovelling, bowing and general dropping to the knees and worshiping, and STILL would be gettin no bedroom action for a week! So I'll just say Iben ain't got nuthin' on my wife Shaun. That said, she is hot!

Anyway, any of you record collectors and lovers of music who have not seen this film, or read the book, owe it to yourself to do so, even though the record/music thing is a sub-theme (Cussack's character owns an underground record shop and is an obsessive collector of LP's). You should see the movie just for Jack Black's priceless bits in it that just about had me wet my pants laughing.

Sounds like a job for the "6 degrees of Kevin Bacon" database.

I actually have all my Grateful Dead and related Dead family stuff together, including the solo projects, side project bands, New Riders of the Purple Sage, Phil and Friends, etc.

I suspect a lot of us do this.

"Deadbase" does a great job with the GD family tree, As does the several volumes that make up "The Grateful Dead Taper's Compendium"