My High End Audio Gear As A Long Term Investment!!!

I’ve had enough years of fiddling around with all this expensive High End Audio gear. No more speaker musical-chairs for me or switching out my amp every few years, or chasing the latest new shine penny, etc. It’s far too costly (and a headache to boot). So a couple years ago I decided to take time and care in diligently putting together a fine audio system, within my budget, of course, that would preform at such a high level of proficiency that I could be sonically satisfied for many, many years to come. Mission accomplished!!! My audio system is soo musically satisfying to me that I could honestly live with it for the duration (but it didn’t come cheap). I know it’s hard to believe. At this juncture, and yes I’m old, I’m just flat-out tired and weary (so is my wallet) of all the hassle of buying and selling gear and (losing $$$ every time), never being satisfied with what I have even though what I have is already quite outstanding. Lets face it, it’s a fun hobby, but it can be an extremely expensive hobby, especially for an average guy like myself. So, I’m done trying to keep up with the Joneses. And now I just want to be content and happy with the wise long-term investment I made in my wonderful sounding audio system and just enjoy it without the constant burden (cloud of uncertainty) of thinking about switching out anything anymore. What a relief it is for me to finally after all these years be able to settle down in front of my audio system with the music being my only concern with a glass of fine red wine and just forget about all my troubles. It good feeling!!!  Anyone else have the same attitude toward the hobby as me?  Are you content with the decisions you made on your audio system?  Are you done with it like I am?   


You can't put a price on psychiatric treatment.after holding peoples lives in my hand if I fail is very intense for calms the savage beast even if it's 3 am driving home from the operating room listening to the stero in the car priceless investment sanity wise worth the price of admission every time.enjoy the music stay healthy.

Absolutely not. A true audiophile is never satisfied as perfection only exists in the mind. Besides, somebody has to support these poor bastards.


The process of being alive is anything but healthy, it is a fatal disease. So, get stoned and enjoy the music. You'll feel better being alive. 

I just seen the system of a "true" audiophile in the virtual page system potentially better and way more costly than mine but not necessarily actually better than mine on all acoustic BALANCED count at the end  ... I will not give name ...

For sure he investigate electronics design of the speakers but his speakers are on the floor directly with no care about vibrations/resonance , and there is no acoustic treatment and control in the room at all, probably not adressing the electrical noise/signal level of the house room nor EMI shielding and certainly no tweaks as Schuman resonator etc ... ...

I dont doubt that he is a "true" audiophile who is never "satisfied" ... I am myself always satisfied with a low cost system always well embedded but i was never an "audiophile" i guess ... Only someone learning how to embed any system to listen music with no apparent acoustic defects because i understand , using what i have, how to pass optimally the minimal acoustic satisfaction threshold identified by human ears ...I listen music now ...


Absolutely not. A true audiophile is never satisfied as perfection only exists in the mind. Besides, somebody has to support these poor bastards.

Identifying the health source in the body only is the same error than identifying the sound source qualities coming only from the gear or only from the medium ...It will be too long here to correct this deep epistemological and metaphysical error ...

The process of being alive is anything but healthy, it is a fatal disease. So, get stoned and enjoy the music. You’ll feel better being alive.


My “investment’ has finally paid off. I’m at the state where I am really, really happy with the sound of my system. Just made some adjustments that hopefully finished my quest. Mijoystn says you’re not a true audiophile if you say your finished.
I agree, and devoutly hope my audiophile days are over. 
No more agonizing over the imperfections, real or imagined, in my rig.