Nagaoka MP11 GOLD info…

Looking for information on the Nagaoka MP11 GOLD cartridge and stylus. Some info on the MP11 and the MP11 boron out there but the “gold” version is almost never mentioned and no specifics. Looks like the modern version of the MP11 is the MP-110 and you can install the new MP-110 stylus into the older MP11 but what made “GOLD” version gold? Did it have boron stylus? Any info or links appreciated. Thanks:)


recommend you upgrade to a newer Nagaoka if you like the Nag sound, the MP110 is the replacement but to be honest the MP200 is a better cart for not much more. the MP 500 even better but quite a bit more $. 

I believe it was a special model between the MP11 and the MP11 Boron. The cantilever was enhanced but not boron. I had one years ago and it was very good.

There's a dedicated Nag FB group that might have some insights if you don't get any here.