But it is not...engaging? No soul?
This is tough to nail down as it’s highly subjective on where to stop relative to affordability.
@trn - as you’ve discovered, it’s the whole audio chain that matters. A better preamp and/or amp might move you in the right direction. Lower costs DACs may measure well and give excellent detail, but iirc it’s the analog output design that’s key to better engagement.
Here’s a list of notable positive reviewed DACs:
- 2.3 Doge 7 MkII tube DAC
- 2.6 Ferrum Wandla - HR competes w 10k DACs +1.2 HYPSOS power supply
- 2.7 LAiV Harmony DAC
- 3.0 Musician Aquarius - sounds like a $5k DAC
- 4.3 Denafrips Terminator [BNC in
- 4.0 Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
- 4.5 Wired4Sound DAC-2v2SE
- 5.0 Audio-GD R7HE MK2
- 5.6 Kitsune Hifi May-KTE.
- 6.6 Lampizator Baltic 4 (punches way above price point- beats KTE).
- 6.8 Bel Canto Ex1 DAC (Transparent)
- 7.1 T+A DAC200