New Technics SL-1200GR2

What a time to be alive - more innovation and refinement from one of the worlds best!  I've been rocking an original fully upgraded KAB unit for a while, but be told the new units have always piqued my interest.  Seems like they spent time and effort to improve the drive system mainly.  Wondering if anyone had a chance to look through the specs? 



OK, I have an modded 1200mk2 since the early 80s & also have the GAE. I’ve done an arm swap on the GAE with an SME 309 & installed the GAE arm on my 1200, very noticeable difference over the stck arm w/wire upgrade. Now @billstevenson wrote was fact about the GR2s arm, & the new motor. I wouldn’t think anyone would hear a difference if you did a ’’full’’ KAB upgrade & changed the arm on a MK2. I also have an EMT 948 but can’t compare the both units, unless I could use the same cart & preamp, which is not worth going to the trouble to Mod the EMT. I LOVE both units! Rite now I’m using the GAE for Mono (cost effective) & my opinion is if you had to upgrade the GR2, you might as well buy a used G.

lewm is right on: check the specs of various models here,

low priced radio shack models were a different category.



@danmar123 , et. al.  :  Agree w/ general assessments and recommendations.  I don't think the GR/GR2 would offer much over a fully upgraded KAB.  I view them as equals.  Now, a G on the other hand...  I'd view this as a definite upgrade.  I wonder though, wouldn't you be tapped out in terms of upgrades once you go with the 4k G? 

I like products that have an entry point and then offer various paths toward upgrades.  The Rega line I think does a wonderful job.