New Teres 360

I was just over at VA and saw this:

Teres 360

It is a must see!
Joe, perhaps I didn't look at the photo correctly.
I saw the color of the belt, and it looked like the same color as the brass, so I thought it was running on the brass part.
Thanks Chris, but I have a question. Tom stated that the belt runs on the brass. I keep looking at the picture, and it looks like it rides on the wood. Can you clarify?
Sorry for not responding. I have been slammed with getting ready for RMAF. Can't say much now other than that TWL is on the mark. More details after the show....

OK, Doug, I understand from your post that this is what he HAS been doing. Sorry I wasn't able to attend the festivities and learn this first-hand and also for apparently crudely interpreting his comments on AA.

I fully accept that others might find the brass-look appealing. I'm not saying they are wrong. To each his/her own. And, in limited amounts, I might agree. If the only reason for implementing the brass or other metals is to improve sonics, good for the sonics, but it is my opinion that it should be disguised, because it is not something I would buy, personally. Wonder if the brass, or whatever, could be implemented beneath a thin layer of veneer for those who prefer all-wood. Maybe that would violate what ever benefits were gained, though.
"I did not think he was delving into metals as a means of improving the sonics of the table..."

That's exactly what he HAS been doing, at least since June when we spoke about the sonic effects of brass and other materials at Cello's gathering.

TWL hit on alot of the things that CB was mentioning.
Well, my take on it is that it is a step in the right direction.

Regardless of the visual aspects, which may or may not be acceptable to some tastes, there are some good ideas there.

First, the brass is definitely a better sounding material than aluminum.
Secondly, the brass makes a better coupling with the spindle and the brass bearing housing, while the upper wood portion of the platter provides the desired impedance coupling with the record(which is apparently what people are liking about the wood "sound").
Third, the brass is much heavier than the wood, and having it on the bottom of the platter makes it more rotationally stable(due to the higher mass) but it also requires less thickness, and allows the greatest part of the platter mass to be located below the center of the bearing, for better bearing stability.
Fourth, the belt rides on the brass, and the brass can be machined more perfectly, and is more stable than the wood portion.
Fifth, the brass motor housing provides a much better vibrational exit path for the inherent motor vibrations, and will result in less unwanted vibration in the critical motor drive area.
Sixth, the brass spacer under the armboard also does the same thing for the vibration sinking from the tonearm.

I have found that Audiopoints(brass) make the best points for supporting my Teres turntable, and adding some brass into key areas of this turntable design make a better coupling for the vibrations to exit the critical areas of the platter, tonearm, and motor.

I have some ideas for incorportating some Sistrum ideas into the Teres turntable, for even better performance. I haven't contacted Chris about this, but maybe he might be interested in talking to me about it. He seems to be discovering some things that we are already implementing in our Sistrum/Audiopoints designs for years now. We have collaborated with other companies about their designs. Perhaps there would be a synergy there. If he likes what brass can do, he'd be really happy with a formulation of the correct brass and optimized geometry of it, in these applications.

My take on Chris' comments was that it is a sonic thing. I mean, that table has to be 8-10k, and I don't think Chris would do that just to play dress up. Damn, the thing weighs 150 pounds+! Talk about mass-loading.

Now as far as copper & dark wood go, I like it. I'm finishing my new rack, hopefully this week (probably not, but I can hope). I'm using red coconut palm, mahogony, curly maple, solid surface countertop material, lots of lead, and, you guessed it, copper. I'll get some pics when I can.

I will include a link to one pic that shows copper & brass side-by-side on my TT:


I got rid of the brass cones (not the Audiopoints), and I am thinking of making the armboard riser out of copper. I just like the look.

I wish Chris would get in this discussion so we can know the purpose of the brass on the platter. He made a couple of posts on AA, but that's it. I'd like to hear more....
I think it looks very, very good. Sorry to disagree.

If I owned this fin’-looking table, I would even dress it up a bit mo’ by having my monogram cut into the brass on the platter and affixing two small bull horns (Texes 360?) to the base. (It would just heighten the experience of spinning my favorite Conway Twitty albums.)

I was just pulling at you, Joe. You know I like wood, since I've spouted on more than several occasions about it and wood inlays. It is also no secret that I held reservations regarding platters of wood, owing to a long family background in woodworking. The only time I ever thought of a metal band around a wood platter was in regard to that issue.

Did I misread the AA posting by Mr. Brady. I thought the idea of using metal came up from someone's desire for "furnishings" and he was trying to come up with the meatl the "sounded" best. I did not think he was delving into metals as a means of improving the sonics of the table, per se. Perhaps I am wrong.
Copper and dark wood? It would look like it belonged in a 70's Country Kitchen! :-) j/k
I gotta tell ya, but for the brass on the platter, I like it. It may be a little overdone with that much metal, but Chris has said you can get pretty much any finish on the brass. I think if you took the metal off of the OUTSIDE of the platter, and changed the finish on the rest of the brass to copper, it would be a whole different set of asthetics.

I like wood three. Fairly obvious to those who followed my build. But I understand why he did what he did, from comments on the Teres forum. While I don't find the 360 as butt-ugly as some may, I guess it really all comes down to sonics with this table.

I think I like the 340 better, though. Change the motor housing to wood, the black finish to copper, add a little inlay and Bob's your uncle!
I agree that the gold looks a bit over the top, but as CB said in the AA post the metal was actually added for sonic reasons. To tone the look down a touch I think I personally would prefer a black accent (like the 340).

If it makes a "substantial" (Chris's word) sound improvement then they should run with it, but maybe disguise it a little. I think the well made, simple, smooth-lined Teres brand appeals more to the conservative audiphiles (aesthetically speaking) rather than the audio jewellery crowd and the gold brings it into that other territory.

OTOH, this makes me wonder what a side by side comparisson of Teres and Galibier would yield. Both manufacturers are pushing high mass designs to the extreme, Teres with this 60 pound platter and Galibier with a 75 pound solid Aluminum plinth. Both designers do claim they sound unique though.
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My conversations with CB regarding brass concerned its sonic properties and its engineering properties. I had no idea he was going to use it for its aesthetic properties too.

I like wood too. IMO the best looking Teres is the 320. Solid, simple and sensuous. Like me! ;-)
You know, sometimes it just looks like designers get bored and feel like they have to add something - maybe an accent - then maybe a little more here - and there - and pretty soon they've gone way overboard. Such is the case with this 360, IMHO. The brass is excessive and quite garish to my eye. Trouble is, folks see this and might very well turn from the real point of realizing the most important quality of the table - the sound it produces. Though I've not heard a 360, it should be good by all the accounts I've read. I've heard a few from the 100 and 200 series and there's no reason to expect the 360 is any exception. BUT, it looks just awful to me. Eschew the brass unless in very small quantities. Hopefully, all the other accents weren't done just to match the mylar tape....

The whole premise of the Teres beauty is WOOD. There is so much to be done with wood as an accent (patterns, inlay designs, figures, banding, etc.) that I'd like to see that pursued further instead of metal. A step in the right direction, though, is the wood covered motor housing. I've got more ideas than can be listed in that regard. Maybe they'd be interested in an additional designer? :-)
That's an ugly turntable in my opinion. Semi, what high end Taiwanese products would you recommend? I'm going to Taiwan at the end of the month. Regards, Jeff

Please be politically correct in a public forum.

Taiwan makes lots of high end audio and electronic around you, do your research before criticizing any country. I am surprised Audiogon did not block your reply.
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OH well,yet another casualty of unecessary over the top design for the illogical purpose of because we can.By the way the least expensive teres is a terrific table but don't pay attention to that lowlife table look at the new one.Chris...take the money your making and plow it into refinement of the previous tables and make them deeply mature designs that will be respected fifty years from now.I know it's not the fast track buisness model that will net you the highest profits short term but it will achieve a much more vaunted legacy for your company in the long run.Look at WALKER for e.g.Peace and great engineering to you.
And if one must ask how much it know the rest; stunning, indeed.