Old Drive + DAC still better than my PC setup ?

Hi all,

Setup :
- Source 1) : Micromega Drive + Stax Dac
- Source 2) : PC + M Audio FW Audiophile + Stax (Foobar or ACXO with Flac or WAV files)
- Amp : Marantz PM 15 S1
- Speaker : Sequerra Met 7.7

I can't get my PC to sound half as good as my regular source. No emotion, no 3D, not enough detail ... I tried Winamp, Foobar, Zoom Player ... no. After many tests (format/media player) and when I finally think that my PC setup is OK (ACXO + WAV), I switch back to my Drive/Dac combo and ... no contest.

I read so many things on PC setup being good that I must do something wrong, no?

Thanks :D
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Showing 1 response by twb2

Having owned the M Audio FW Audiophile, I believe this is the weak link. I moved on to the Wavelength Audio Brick, and now the Cosecant; both are a major step up and should beat the CD playback.