@trivema ...Different from SLI-80 as the Firebottle is a Single Ended Pentode Class A putting out only 10-12 wpc. If you find one of these used, buy IT! Paired with the Heresys, you’ll learn what tube amps are all about.
@mattsca If you want any one of these amps noted by @trivema , feel free to message me, my colleague with the Hersey speakers is thinking he is going to put his Inspire by Dennis Had Firebottle amps up for sale on USAM including - Inspire 300B, Inspire KT88 amps. Also he still has a standard Cary SLI-80 that will be listed too. The Klipsch Hersey 4s will be listed too. He's stalling a bit, and loves all of it, would love to keep it all - but can't. He had to change his room and went to a basic integrated setup for his family, and making life changes. Feel free to msg.