I cannot offer you a comparison. I have owned the MMF-7 with the Eroica cartridge for about 2 years. I have recently upgraded to the Graham Slee Era Gold V. I love this table. It has excellent isolation. I have verified that the speed is still accurate, the VTF is aligned and it already has a felt mat and record clamp. It is all the turntable I need. I believe that the choice of a turntable is more about the cartridge and phono stage than it is about the table itself and I am happy with the Eroica. I'm sure that there will be plenty of differing opinions on this, but you will have to trust your own ears. Good luck.
Pros and Cons of the Music Hall MMF-7
I am considering a new turntable purchase. The Pro-ject Xperence w/sumiko Pearl MM or the Music Hall MMF-7 w/Eroica MC? I know, you guys and gals prefer VPI, Basis, Linn, etc. but both models are available to me new in the $800 price range. I would appreciate any input in this discussion as I am ready to take the plunge into a higher end.
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