The problem when people say trust your ears not reviews is that our ears must be TRAINED...
Sound is not a taste question , save for those who think that a dac and an amplifier make the sound by themselves instead of the triplets : ears/speakers /room...And even here with this triplet it is more about acoustic in specific small room than taste... A good timbre and spatial sound experience is defined by acoustics not by taste...It is not based on price and gear as much as on acoustic ...
There is only 2 ways to train our ears VARIED musical listening and experience and acoustic concepts and experiments...
Upgrading dac and amplifier for "our taste" is a way to turn back on the road instead of facing the question : is this sound acoustically right about the timbre factor , listener envelopment and instrument sound volume extent (holography) ...Basically ANY synergetical good dac and amplifier can do the job, why upgrading before knowing what we do just because we obey the hype ?
We must learn how to make possible this experience with synergetical components first yes but you must learn how to discern and control these factors too to some degree ideally... it is why nothing replace learning acoustic concepts... Beware , it is more than room treatment...