Replacement for Vandersteen 2ce

Hi everyone,
i have found this forum extremely helpful so I’m looking for some opinions on replacement speakers for my Older Vandersteen 2ce speakers. Been trying to do tweaks but wondering if I can improve the imaging and soundstage with something else maybe in the 2-4K region. 
Components are as listed:
Krell Digital Vanguard w/ Shunyata Delta NR PC
Acoustic Signature Triple X
SPL Phonos 
Marantz CD6006 w/ 
Digital from ITunes through RME DAC
Vandys have 15ft Taralabs RSC Primes which I was going to cut in half or replace but if I’m going to buy new speakers I’ll hold off.
I appreciate any help!
@gdnrbobThanks Bob
I was thinking that initially and even demoed Shunyata Deltas but yes I will reach out to Johnny
thanks so much!!
Love my Tekton double impact monitors, solid, detailed and lots of bottom end thump
How old are your 2 CE's? The newest versions are light years better sounding than the older models. But as John Rutan suggests, setup is critical, especially tilt back. I have the Treo CT's, and have never looked back.
@mr_m The CE’s were purchased in 92-93 new from Ocean State Audio boxed for quite a few years and recently brought out. Did not like the old parasound HCA 1200 amp that powered them but my Krell has improved them significantly. Room is 16” wide x 14” deep snd have them 3 feet from back wall toed in slightly and tilted back a few degrees.

I owned the 2ce Sig II for a couple years. I had my own issues with them, but soundstage and imaging was not one of them. They do this remarkably well IMO.

I agree it could be a setup issue and recommend you call John Rutan per above.