The original LP's sound great
"RUSH" Vinyl remasters vs CD --Sound differences...OPINIONS?
Is it just me or do these vinyl remasters sound "warm". To me, it seems everything is recessed sounding or laid back.
In contrast the CDs sound more forward ,upfront and focused more sharply. More intricate.
I am surprised at this . This is not a "which is better analog or digital "discussion!!!
Simply, I was expecting the same "sound" as the CD but more "analogy". If that makes sense.
I've enjoyed many vinyl remasters that did not strike me in this fashion.
The difference in the performance of my digital and analog front end are negligible. They perform very well. An A/B comparison was easily done.
Just wondering. Any RUSH fans out there? Notice the same thing?
In contrast the CDs sound more forward ,upfront and focused more sharply. More intricate.
I am surprised at this . This is not a "which is better analog or digital "discussion!!!
Simply, I was expecting the same "sound" as the CD but more "analogy". If that makes sense.
I've enjoyed many vinyl remasters that did not strike me in this fashion.
The difference in the performance of my digital and analog front end are negligible. They perform very well. An A/B comparison was easily done.
Just wondering. Any RUSH fans out there? Notice the same thing?
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