Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
Mahgister - I’d better get my mother to kiss my cables then.  I’ll hear a difference and because trust my ears I will assert the sound actually improved. 
Maybe I’ll put the diamond ring she left me on top of my Raspberry Pi and I’ll get “more air” and a tighter soundstage.
Mahgister - I’d better get my mother to kiss my cables then. I’ll hear a difference and because trust my ears I will assert the sound actually improved.
Maybe I’ll put the diamond ring she left me on top of my Raspberry Pi and I’ll get “more air” and a tighter soundstage.
How easy it is to ridicule what we want to....

No need to answer.... Keep the "reason" i will keep my "illusion".....

The placebo effect is linked to all phenomena in life and work great, mother,s kisses included; but it cannot replace an experiment...

It cannot be invoked to explain everything and the rest when we think about something we dont know anything about but dont trust....

It seems sceptics and gullible people are more akin to one another than we ever think possible... 😁

I never encountered people so much opinionated than some in these audio threads, the "sceptics/dogmatists scientism species" and i was dealing all my life with scientists and students and philosophers....All those that were dogmatics and mainly sceptics more than enthusiast were the poor one, and the second rated one... All true unlookers were creative, enthusiast and open free spirits... No exception.... In all fields....I spoke with them almost 40 years... I missed the young people....


« Creativity and freedom dont give a dam about your reason»- Prometheus stolen the fire....
@mahgister- I am not opinionated at all. I just want to know why. I posted 2 ways I could be swayed 2/26 @ 11:13AM (I can’t figure out how to copy on my iPad and am too lazy to walk to my office laptop).

I am very open minded and always want Improvement from anything, stereo or otherwise, taking into the law of diminishing returns, but also very logical. When something doesn’t make sense to me from a normally sensible person, I try to figure it out.

I stopped postting on this discussion since my post I mentioned  until someone responds to that, but couldn’t let @millercarbon post about not caring about minutiae go with no response. It was truly hilarious.

see if you can come up with one of them.
@mahgister- I am not opinionated at all.
Remembering your past posts i think you are right...

I apologize to you if i answered sometimes in a too direct or passionnate way....

I cannot answer to all your questions " why"....

I did not begin forme  as a  scientific inquiry.... I just try 2 years ago to replicate what Acoustic Revive customers reported about their costly purchase with cheap modified chinese one thats all...

Like i said anyway, even if these devices work with an audible positive s.q. effect for me and for many others, i did not recommend that for first acoustic tool at all...or in replacement of more powerful others like Helmholtz pipies and tubes resonators...

But anyway 2 for 20 bucks is only a fun experiment to try for those who "dare to go where no one ever goes  to go before ".... 😊

  It is not a participation in mass murders nor in a Ponzy scheme....

I am like you at the end, some experiments appeal to me, some others dont....

My deepest respect for you and regards....

I've played around with this "unit" for the past Two days...

Yesterday, I placed it a few feet from my head while reading in bed and kept dozing off having odd/short dreams that I remembered upon awakening.

Usually I do not have dreams (or I do not remember them if I do have them) and I am an exceedingly light sleeper waking up constantly to reposition my body due to common aches and pains for someone my age who was rambunctious/accident prone in earlier life.

So, this was my first immediately recognizable effect of the device.

I also noticed that (while awake) my stomach started to churn/gurgle after 10-15 minutes of being in close proximity to the device.

In addition I noticed that instead of the unit relaxing me I ended up clamping my jaw (not a good thing) and I also failed @ doing my usual breathing/relaxation exercises which usually cut my old aches and pains (migraines aside) by 90%+.

Today I played around with the device while watching a recording of Clapton's Crossroads 2019 video on a 20" Samsung flat screen TV located on a blanket chest @ the foot of the bed.

The TV (placed mid-room without a wall behind it) has a reflection screen, slightly larger than the size of the TV, mounted a few inches off the back to help duplicate close to wall mounting.

If I placed the face of the device (handheld) towards the TV the sound became distant with decreased dynamics/detail - colder and thin is a good descriptor.

When I reversed it directing the face of the device towards me the sound became fuller and louder with increased detail and dynamics, like it was sucking the music towards me.

The changes were easily heard and repeatable.

I suggest that anyone experimenting with this tech first try what I did, due to the simplicity of doing so.

Not keen on the clenching jaw effect as well as it seeming to interfere with my daily bio-feedback/self hypnosis/meditation (whatever you want to call it) excercises.

Just saying that with this particular unit the changes in (TV) sound were extremely apparent.

Assume that it would be a PITA to adjust/align them with the main HiFi setup, but "this unit" definitely altered the perceived sound as mentioned.
