Mahgister - I’d better get my mother to kiss my cables then. I’ll hear a difference and because trust my ears I will assert the sound actually improved.How easy it is to ridicule what we want to....
Maybe I’ll put the diamond ring she left me on top of my Raspberry Pi and I’ll get “more air” and a tighter soundstage.
No need to answer.... Keep the "reason" i will keep my "illusion".....
The placebo effect is linked to all phenomena in life and work great, mother,s kisses included; but it cannot replace an experiment...
It cannot be invoked to explain everything and the rest when we think about something we dont know anything about but dont trust....
It seems sceptics and gullible people are more akin to one another than we ever think possible... 😁
I never encountered people so much opinionated than some in these audio threads, the "sceptics/dogmatists scientism species" and i was dealing all my life with scientists and students and philosophers....All those that were dogmatics and mainly sceptics more than enthusiast were the poor one, and the second rated one... All true unlookers were creative, enthusiast and open free spirits... No exception.... In all fields....I spoke with them almost 40 years... I missed the young people....
« Creativity and freedom dont give a dam about your reason»- Prometheus stolen the fire....