@rock112 To be clear, my audition was of the latest Amati G5s (Homage series), so I’m not sure you’d be satisfied going up to that level. That’s why the Serafino Homage (G2) was the fitting compromise.
Driving my Serafinos is a Goldmund SR150 putting out 200wpc into 4 ohms. That was part of the consideration for me - I wanted a speaker I could drive reasonably well without moving from my favorite amp. Not only were the Amatis more money, but I’d also have to look at a considerably more substantial amp to have a chance with the Amatis, meaning even more investment.
The Serafinos with my Goldmund and some Nordost Frey are glorious. Clear, controlled, balanced, deep and wide sound stage, and with that little bit of golden honey sweetness that is the Sonus faber magic.