SoundSmith Counter Intuitive for VPI tone arms

Anyone using this on your VPI turntable?   
SoundSmith Counter Intuitive for VPI tone arms:

Just looking for user feedback, pros/cons.

The SS CI does what it's intended to do-make fine tuning of the weight easier.

If you aren't experiencing setup issues, use the money to buy more records.

If you're setting up your tonearm/cartridge once, the c/i is not needed at all.  Sure it makes it a bit easier, but the adjustment can be done without it.
The original (thumb screw) counterweight on the VPI 3D arm is not a user friendly design. The Counter Intuitive really makes life easier here. 

From just looking at the newer Fat Boy arms, I see the counterweight has been improved upon. Looks like it's more a pressure fit design on a smooth arm surface. Much nicer!
Yes the CI works very well.  No friction problem here.  Perhaps there was a user who didn't like the normally tight fit.

Even useful, though perhaps not as essential, f you get the dual pivot which I also recommend.
I have a Prime, with the dual pivot and the counterintuitive. Like the person mentioned above, the counterintuitive weight fits very tightly on my standard VPI counterweight (180g? - I’m not near the table right now). I took great pains to make sure that the scale was applied as flatly and evenly as I could, but sliding the weight fore-aft or rotating it is very difficult. I’m not talking snug - I’m talking so hard that it’s difficult to keep the counterweight from moving. Suggestions greatly appreciated!