I Know that Dr. Vinyl and Bob's Devices (me), will have turntables for demo along with cartridges and accessories.
Southwest Audio Fest
Any of you turntable gurus plan on attending the SW Audio Fest in Dallas next month? I’m looking to upgrade of replace my stock VPI Classic. It doesn't come close to my digital side. Not sure where to start. I bought it used 2 years ago and need to make decisions on carts, tone arm, etc. Sometimes it’s easier to talk instead of type and I know there’s a lot of experience and wisdom on this forum. I’ll be there Friday and Saturday most of the day. Also interested in power cords for integrated amp, as well as checking out all the other great gear I can’t afford!
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Part of that is just the reality of audio shows. Turntables are big, often heavy, require a lot more time to set up, and limits your demo request library. It’s just hard logistically very difficult. However, there were some turntables at SWAF last year, and I’m hoping to see more this year. If the other show you went to was Lone Star Audio Fest, then you are in for a treat. Lone Star was always more of an enthusiasts gathering. And frankly last year was an outright sad showing. Hopefully moving to Austin will help them revive it. |
@hysteve San Diego has direct flights, so I am definitely looking into it. I just have to come up with a good story to my wife. |
Dallas is not in the Southwest. It is in Texas. Not in a political sense, just by geography. I am only saying this because I got excited that I might be able to go, if it’s nearby.
Just in case, the geographic center of the mainland US is at 109.8972 Longitude. (Lebanon, KS). Dallas is entirely EAST of that.\
South by Southwest for Austin is a better name. |
displayname This will be only my second show. I went to one also in Dallas two years ago, which was much smaller by comparison. Now that you mention it, I don’t remember turntables there either. I understand they will have thousands of records there for purchase so it would expect that turntables might be part of the theme. |