Speaker Cables For Big Horns & Tubes

I am looking for some new speaker cables to try I have big horn speakers and a very low powered SET amp (2wpc)...
Recommendations please???
Purist Audio Cables highly recommended. They are costly but tend to sound smoother, fatigue-free and have a quiet background.
" Sure. Use 12 gauge OFC cables. The cost should be about 50 cents a foot... "
  100% correct. If it makes you feel better to spend gobs of cash and slurp up bad advice spend many thousands and have at it. Before you do though conduct a true blind test with what you are considering against 12g zip cord and see for yourself.
  " The amp is adjusting to the wire not other way around. "  Curious to know how an amp does this. Please be specific in your explanation of how this occurs.
+1 for Tempo Electric simple solid silver conductor cables.  I use between my Coincident Franky Mk-II 300B's to 104dB horns.  Excellent combination and very affordable < $400. 
Only advice worth anything is from a person with the SAME amp as you .
Speakers can only play what amp sends them . The amp is adjusting to the wire not other way around.
And to tube or SS pre-amp .
12g zip cord all day long on my all horn system. Anything above this is salesman BS. I could get away with 14g easily enough but I like the durability the heavier gage brings as I am not in a kind environment at times. Currently pushing a system for a 600 seat theater with 12g but since it is Klipsch based it is not over the top wattage thirsty and 14 would work just as well. runs are 15' and 24' typical to left and right channels.
If you’re looking for something affordable that is very good, maybe great considering it’s cost. Canare 4S11. Very nice sounding cable.
pure silver .18awg (1mm)
rethm maarga
Prima luna dialogue integrated 
great great combo!
Jsman, I have 300B & 45 amps, (Wavelength) Beauhorn Virtuoso speakers (Lowther DX4) and use Tempo Electric SCs, (Joseph Levy) single solid silver. I hope to be moving and will then be using my Horns.
Cardas used to make a very efficient speaker cable designed for low powered amplifiers. I do not see it listed in their product line at this time, but maybe you can call Cardas for more information.
I'm not sure I think cables would be speaker dependant, but I have gone through a few different ones recently. I replaced Kimber 8TC with Tellerium Q Black and felt like I had improved everything. I noticed getting better lyrics from songs. I needed to go from ten feet to more than twenty and the price was considerable! I discovered River Cables, and bought their best, seven gage, flat and wide. I have been delighted with the performance, better than either of the previous ones, and cheaper. They seem so neutral, and locking bananas are a bonus. At least give their site a look, but if you want theTellerium Black,write back:)

When I had my Lowther horns I wired everything with DNM Precision speaker cables. The cable is designed to work with speakers that are greater than 90db. Excellent sounding solid core copper cables that won't break the bank.
Nice system!
I use Ocellia Silver Reference and it sounds superbly natural in my system.
I have a 1.75 wpc Grommes SET and Klipsch Quartet speakers. Currently using 14 gauge zip cord.

Sounds pretty good.
@ Jsman, Now were talking!, Horns and tubes!, Great sound!, use The Taralabs omega gold speaker cable and you will have the finishing touches to a spectacular sound!, Happy Hunting.
My system is a SET powered amp (Art Audio PX-25) going to highly modified Klipsch horns ( thanks to Morray James suggestions). After trying many different cables I am using a full compliment of Synergistic Research cables. The improved openness and reduced background noise is wonderfull.

David Pritchard