@fmiller37 I too am/was a HUGE Dynaudio’s fan! There was just something wildly addictive about their sound. Back in the early 2000’s their Audience line (which was just their entry level-all I could afford back then), just completely enamored me soon as I heard them…I say was because I found that warmth/air/detail just wasn’t the same nowadays with their Excite line. However, Evoke did bring back some of that magic…Plenty of juice and especially, plenty of space is the key to really setting the Danes up to shine. Maybe my go round this time wasn’t a fair assessment as my setup is now in a smaller space. Still a large room but 8 foot ceiling vs 14ft vaulted (have since divorced and moved) probably makes all the difference in the world. They love space!
Glad you stayed with it and found the right stage for them, enjoy!