Special Forty?

So, I am an unabashed fan of Dynaudio.  I recently purchased a pair of Special Forty's with the stand 20.  At first, I thought...wow...did I make a mistake?  I added more sand to the stands, I changed their position several (read hundreds) of times, and even "tried" to rearrange the furniture.  All with the same outcome.  The sweet spot was miniscule.  It was there, but boy was it hard to find.  Then, I did something smart.  I moved them to an appropriate sized room.  And I again thought...wow.  but this time, in a completely opposite and positive way.  Oh my gosh.  These speakers (when placed in the appropriate room) are an amazing addition.  I absolutely love the sound they produce and the imaging is wonderful.  Rooms matter.  Room treatments matter.  And these Dynaudios will be staying right where they are.  My favorite new spot.


Rooms do matter.  Also consider trying speakers with less toe-in.  Most speakers are actually not designed to point right at your head.  Also try listening below the tweeter firing line.  Often you'll find a much fuller presentation that way.

I was curious about the Heritage Special, at least partly because I liked the look. Considered buying a used pair, but I noticed what seemed like an unusually large number of pairs for sale, suggesting that people were trying and being disappointed. ... Was the Heritage Special a sonic “miss?”  

Yes, it was a "miss", at least in my opinion.

Let me add the disclaimer that I have owned probably 5 pairs of Dynaudios and I hated every one of them (yes, I know, the definition of insanity), so I am definitely not a fan of the house sound. These included the Special 40, the Contour 1.3SE, the C1 and the Heritage Specials.

The Heritage Specials did have some good qualities.When adequately powered - at least 150 watts was preferable - they could go very loud without distortion. They imaged extremely well, to the far corners of the room.

But they were just strangely unmusical and unengaging. Whenever I played music on them I wanted to stop very quickly. Without knowing quite why, I came to avoid listening to the stereo. When I realised what was happening, I sold them and have ended up with some Rogers LS5/9s which I find much more enjoyable to listen to, even if they give up a bit of the hifi artifacts by comparison.

But this is of course a personal preference, and you may love them. So a lengthy audition is definitely recommended before buying.




@fmiller37 I too am/was a HUGE Dynaudio’s fan! There was just something wildly addictive about their sound. Back in the early 2000’s their Audience line (which was just their entry level-all I could afford back then), just completely enamored me soon as I heard them…I say was because I found that warmth/air/detail just wasn’t the same nowadays with their Excite line. However, Evoke did bring back some of that magic…Plenty of juice and especially, plenty of space is the key to really setting the Danes up to shine. Maybe my go round this time wasn’t a fair assessment as my setup is now in a smaller space. Still a large room but 8 foot ceiling vs 14ft vaulted (have since divorced and moved) probably makes all the difference in the world. They love space!


Glad you stayed with it and found the right stage for them, enjoy!

I had such a similar experience except it was with the Pearl Audio Sibelius speakers. Completely underwhelmed when I set them up in my large living room space. I was back and forth with P.A. countless times changing positions, room treatment, gear. Was ready to return them at the end of the trial window when I decided to try them in a different room that was more like a standard enclosed large bedroom, and wow, Instant bliss. Loved them there. Same gear, different room. I’m a room believer now. 

@DRUBIN, I had the Dyn special 40 and upgraded to the Heritage special. Using my Passlab 250, I did not like the Heritage and ended up selling them and purchasing another pair of special 40's.  In fact the person I purchased the Heritage from, took my dyn 40's in trade. Not saying its a bad-sounding speaker, but for my ears it was too bright. The dyn 40 is one of my favorite speakers in my collection. My PS audio F5 will outclass it mainly because of the ribbon tweeter. I have a pair of Buchardt

E50's on order so I will see how they compare. Regardless the Dyns will stay in my collection.