Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...


To hear some say that they’ve never tried a product and then go onto compare it with homeopathic products and the like is silly. SR products are out there for the sampling.

Homeopathic remedies are out there for sampling too.

Do the anecdotal reports of users entail that claims for how the homeopathic pills work are true? Is that really good enough? If so, I guess you simply reject science and it's methods, at least for medicine. But if cognitive bias plays a role in why people think medically inner substances change their disease status, why could similar bias not play a role in evaluating audio?(It does). Please understand: asking if there is a certain type of evidence for a claim is NOT the same as saying the claim is not true. I’d hope such distinctions wouldn’t actually have to be pointed out, but it seems required dishearteningly often in these conversations.

but that doesn’t seem to meet the ever changing goalposts as now they want scientific documentation before they even consider listening to it?
That’s what’s called dealing in bad faith.

Well, that’s interesting. Ted Denny is telling us his products produce measurable results, and is even offering to pay to have his products measured as demonstration. I say kudos to Ted! Now there is something wrong with the desire to demonstrate a product’s objective performance via measurements? Are you against Denny’s efforts to show measurable results for his products? If so, why?

When someone as steeped in audio who should have easy access to what they claim doesn’t work (what with all their connections in the field) refuses to even listen to it speaks volumes to their inauthentic stance.

Can you show me where I have claimed SR’s products don’t work?Or are you making things up? Again.

(Hint: I haven’t - look at my first post on the subject).

Oh yeah children choking to death because their parents are dumber than rocks is freaking hilarious. I heard a comedian on the radio....
But if cognitive bias plays a role in why people think medically inner substances change their disease status, why could similar bias not play a role in evaluating audio?(It does).
Your habit to reduce ALL audible effects to be deceptive illusions or only BIASES if not measured or accountable by measures is linked to the false assumption and prejudice that consist to reduce any psychoacoustical experience and phenomenon to an electrical design property.... IT IS FALSE..... it contradict audio science in general and psychoacoustic science in particular....



If it was so, psychoacoustic science would be erased as a fundamental science and replaced by only physical acoustic....But the human subject is for the time being one of the main subject of science.... Human are not robots....

Are you able to think?

Your stategy to link audiophile experience of sound to homeopathy which you already discarded or to astrology, is a pure propaganda piece....

You would make me smile if it was not reflecting a tragedy....
Everything humans can hear can be measured. If not then psychoacoustics is a waste of time. If we can't measure it then we sure as hell can't study it. What do you think psychoacoustics is? Tarot card reading? 
But by acknowledging the stupid parents role in the death of their children is a step in the right direction.

Perhaps you can come up with some test for intelligence that is universally acknowledged as fair, accurate and without cultural bias. Of course we will know it is a viable test when it confirms that you are a genius. 

As nonoise points out just listen. If you are not willing to listen and compare you have nothing to add or to say. Arguing from a total lack of experience is completely unscientific.