Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
At some point I will also join the black fuse fun.  An audio club member has been installing the reds and now the blacks.  He is always looking for effective cheaper tweaks and has indicated a positive effect.  In the end you can analyze this stuff to death and the only "tool" I trust is my ears.  Does it sound better or worse.
A Nigerian Price explained that, as a result of a blood sacrifice under a full moon, Zeus was inspired to Taser the SR Black Fuse so it would have a profound impact on audiophile systems. I was skeptical, but tried one anyway. It was a significant and immediate improvement. For those unwilling to pay $120 for a fuse, I understand. I paid a nickel for the fuse. The remaining $119.95 was for the improvement to my DAC.

BTW, African royalty do not worship ancient Greek gods, so I know he was lying.

Being technologically still in Kindergarten ... well, maybe in the sixth grade, I couldn't care less HOW something works, only that it does. I don't know graphene from aluminum foil. All I know is what its done for my audio system.

I had what I thought to be a very revealing system prior to trying the first SR Red fuse that began this entire thread. Little did I know where the fuse path was to lead. Eventually, I had placed the Red fuses throughout the system and just figured I'd call it a day and enjoy the major improvement given by these fuses. Then ... the announcement of the SR Black fuses.

With each component sporting a new Black fuse, that component was brought to a new, much higher level of musicality and realism.  This was really brought home during last night's listening session.

I had moved a broken in Black fuse from the CD player into the phono amp, replacing a broken in Red fuse. After re orientating the fuse to the proper direction, the end result was truly amazing. I have NEVER had such realism from spinning vinyl on the turntable. As good as the digital system is now, the analog system is another league better in natural organic sound.  

As many of you know, I'm using an AT ART-9 cartridge. As good as this cartridge is (a real sleeper - and thanks again to Pani),  I was only hearing about  half of what it was capable of with the SR Red fuse.  The sense of realism and a "you are there presence" has been taken to a whole new level. I've heard vinyl rigs costing many times what I have invested in mine and I don't hear from them, what I'm getting now. 

Graphene, aluminum foil, witch doctors, magic spoof dust ... I really don't care. What needs to be said is ... I have upgraded my vinyl rig by many  thousands of dollars for the cost of a $129 fuse. 

Anyone who continues to question these fuses in the face of all of the positive comments in this 18-page-long thread is like Cleopatra .... In De Nile.  :-)

Happy listening, friends ... 
Hi all,
After reading all the wonderful threads about the SR fuses initiated by Oregonpapa I felt I had to get some black fuses myself. After some very helpful advice from Charles1dad and waiting for break into occur, I was totally overwhelmed by the improvements these relatively inexpensive tweaks could have on my system.
I originally placed them in myCoincident Frankenstein amps.
Transparency, dynamics, visceral impact , organic realism, depth width, everything ; You name it ,it improved.
Charles recommended that I also get a fuse for my Coincident Line Stagecoach .
After some break in ,as before , the results were overwhelming
The improvement in the CSL had an even greater impact. The musicality and realism were just taken up another notch.
The idea of a fuse having such a profound impact on improving an already satisfying sound system was mind boggling.
I now am waiting on my fuses for my Coincident Dragons, as I biamp my Coincident Pure Reference Extremes with the Frank's on top and the Dragons on the bottom.
The sequential replacement of each component's performance improvement has been nothing short of dramatic.
If anyone is still on the fence after reading through this multi page multi month wonderful thread , I encourage them to get off the fence and try these incredible fuses.
I have spent many dollars over many years on other attempts to upgrade my system only to realize that some of them were no improvement at all and some even had a negative impact. In those case I was forced to sell them,barely used, at a heavily discounted price.
The fact that SR is willing to offer a 30 trial period makes this no leap of faith or guess. It's a no brainer and has no financial risk.
This , honestly, imho, may be the best tweak in audio ever. The bang for the buck factor is unreal.
I know there will always be doubters and skeptics in life, and that may actually be good and healthy , but even they , in this situation have nothing to lose by trying these wonderful fuses.
A big shout out and thank you to Frank, Oregonpapa, for taking us along in his journey of evolution of his system with these fuses and sharing this with us all so that we too can benefit and get closer to receiving an even greater sense of pleasure from our wonderful hobby.
And to Charles, thank you once again for your guidance and excellent advice, as usual.
Hello David,
Thanks for your kind comments. I'm glad that you gave these fuses an audition. Given the very high quality and resolution of your audio system I believed that you'd extract the full performance potential of the Black fuses. 
Take care, 