I grew up in Pennsylvania, lived in Jersey for a bit and graduated from Rutgers in the early 80’s .
Needless to say Bruce Springsteen was worshiped by the kids from Jersey my age at Rutgers which was most. He came from a very blue-collar NJ background with lots of street-smarts and found success the American way, by applying his natural talent in a way that spoke to people. He rose to success beyond any expectation I’m sure he ever had prior.
Having come from a similar background (in PA.),I’ve always appreciated that about him but musically I am only about a 6 on a scale of ten a Springsteen fan.
I know he is politically outspoken on occasion and that ruffles feathers of other’s who are also politically outspoken with different views.
Too bad people are so intolerant of others especially others who grew up in environments totally different from theirs. Successfully or otherwise. It is what it is. Live and learn!