Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm...."

the Muse was about $10k new years ago, I paid $650 for it on Audiogon

What CD player can I buy that will hold its value and not be near worthless in anything more than a few years?

New or used.

As for cars that are 20 years old that are worth less than original sale price, again I assume this is a joke. Obviously just about every car is. But just to prove your idiocy, I don’t know, maybe the 1990 Mercedes 430SEL. New was around 70k. Today around 20. 
I’m a big fan of older rega CD players. The Saturn or Jupiter are built real well, look real cool and sound very good. I dig my Saturn and will never give it up. I run it through my tube dac toslink input and couldn’t be happier. You can get a used Saturn for a decent price and resell for probably 75% of what you paid for it. The millennials dig them a lot. 
Saturns suck.  You should have drove it through a brick wall instead of your tube dac.  And millennials buy beats headphones to stream free pandora...
Here is my 2 cents.  The best transport I have heard to date is the Audiomeca Mephisto II.  Out of business with little parts around to repair it.  Same goes for my top of the line (15 years ago) Metronome with separate power supply.  Nothing new or older in my experience sounds as good.  But again I did not buy them new and bought them used for a song.  I am able to fix audio components but when parts are not to be found, you are out of luck.

The new CEC TL5 is a great transport for around $1200 new. Hold its value, well no, nothing holds its value over time.

The Rega is a good little transport. I have used int many times as a back up.  Just did a comparison of the Saturn and and my old Metronome CDP as a transport (the Metronome is highly modified) a few days ago.  The Rega has a dynamic alive sound but the Metronome plays music.  Both wee used as transports through the same DAC.  

As for the CD versus streaming, CD's still sound better but I am still testing and experimenting all the time.

Happy Listening.
Accuphase ?
I have a 20 year old DP-55 cd player that went for 4K, I paid 3K.
The cd player was introduced in 1996
It was their entry level at the time.
I see them used for 2K.
seems like 50% of it’s value for a 23 year old cd player is pretty good.
Seems to hold its value over time.
Other Accuphase pieces seem to hold their value.
Maybe because Accuphase is extremely well built lends to its value.
Current entry cd player, I believe, goes for 6K.