Top ten tube preamps

What are your top 10 tube line stage preamps of all time?
Herron VTSP-2
Aesthetix Calypso
The Audio Horizons 2.0nb mentioned above is very nice
Dodd Reference (and his new battery)
Thor (I think it was the 2000)

and the one I bought - VAC Renaissance Sig MKII

those a re a few of the ones I've heard that I really liked...
CAT, Jadis JPL, Audio Research Ref, Manley Wave, Audible Illusions Mod3, Atmasphere, Joule Elektra, Supratek, Aesthetix Callipso.
CAT Sl-1, First Sound Presence Deluxe, Emotive Audio, Herron, Ayre K1x, Wyetech Opal and Dartzeel NHB-18NS are seven must-listen choices if you are looking to buy the best for your needs and tastes.
lamm is better in the amp dept,CAT is the way to go un less you have twice the budget and can really move up the up the line...