Tube preamp: Cary SLP-03 vs Schiit Freya+

Hello all.

I realise it’s a slightly odd comparison, given the age gap, but I’m looking to add a tube preamp to my all-SS chain (Mytek Brooklyn Bridge going straight into ELAC Navis powered speakers). The Schiit Freya+ has been getting rave reviews, especially for its price point and its versatility (passive, buffer or tube), but is currently back-ordered and also it is said to feel a bit flimsy (no miracles). As a result I have been looking at older, formerly more expensive, tube preamps that can be had for a similar price today, leading me to the Cary SLP-03. I have also looked for ARC, BAT, etc but they all tend to be well above my price range (max 1500). 
Would you, we’ll-read and listened fellas, have any views on the above choice or any other recommendations? I’ve been scouring forums and used gear websites for literally tens of hours and I need a bit of advice at this point.

Many thanks in advance!


Hey guys.

Just wanted to give thanks to the crew. The Freya+ arrived about two weeks ago and so far it has been a delight. It has definitely added quite a bit of smoothness AND dynamics (unexpected combination) vs going straight from DAC to actives. Also the JFET option is really great: the used Freya came with a quad of Shuguang CV-181 which are (reputedly) very good but I just find that sometimes they muddle up the sound a little (I need to roll back the stock TS 6SN7GTB but haven’t done that yet) so on faster/more complex tracks, the JFET setting is just nicer (warm but clean).

Considering current NOS 6SN7 prices, I’ve only ordered 7N7 (loctal equivalent) and 6N8S (Russian equivalent) pairs to start my tube rolling fun… Let’s see where that leads us.

In any case, thanks a lot for the advice and the Schiit redos. Very happy with it so far and only curious about future tubes!


Too bad the supply chain or whatever denies instant gratification for gear purchasers...I wanted the balanced Loki and man...they told me it's gonna be months. I'm an "early adopter" of an original series Freya and it easily hangs with any preamp I've compared it to, including a few very pricey tube preamps in systems belonging to friends (when I first got it I was forcing it on others for comparison as clearly I'm a raging bully)...much to their (and my) surprise it equaled or surpassed all of 'em. It's built very well and not at all "flimsy" (where people get this stuff is a head scratcher), and responds to tube rolling instantly (I've tried many new and NOS tubes in the thing over the years and settled on NOS GEs which last a very long time and sound great). My Freya is a very low noise example that just sounds superb, and shows what a smart and discerning person I must be...I just am...maybe...or maybe not...always shilling for Schiit...*sigh*...can't help myself.

Well, I have just done a deal on a used Freya+ - it’s heavily back-ordered here in Europe, well into 2022, and I want to enjoy it over Christmas next to a wood fire. It comes with a quad of CV181-Z which, though no NOS, have received good reviews. I am looking into NOS tubes that are “affordable” and am quite interested in trying 7N7 tubes with an adaptor - getting some great reviews for the price.

I much appreciated all the advice received and will be sure to post my views when I have had the time to listen to it. The Cary was tempting but, for the price, the Schiit seemed to offer more tech and more options (and easier to resell). Bel Canto and the likes simply out of my current set budget for this piece.

Just a couple of things, the Cary SLP-03 preamp is tube based and has balanced ins and outs, I have owned a couple over the years in both black and silver faceplates and it is a good preamp but is prone to some glitches, cheap plastic remote control has tendency to stop working, volume control knob on unit can float up and down when trying to adjust volume not good when you are trying to lower volume and it tends to raise volume and vice versa, a minor issue are the steel covers of the preamp have drilled holes that do not match up with mating holes on chassis, can be a real pain when tube rolling. Has a very nice sound to it, only uses four tubes and can drive long balanced interconnects.

I wish the Freya had a fixed output but that's not a dealbreaker. Thinking about trying one.

The Freya+ is a terrific preamp especially with NOS tubes.  I used chrome domes.  However, it does NOT have a balance control.  I found I could not live without that.  For listening to many classical recordings a very small change can sometimes make them come alive.  To get a fully balanced tube preamp I had to pay much more.  But I found the much increased SQ and precision controls worth it.  If you can live without the balance control the Schiit, though clearly built to a price, is a fine deal

Try a Bel Canto Pre5. Sounds more like a good tube preamp than the Freya+, regardless of what tubes are rolled into the latter (even the overrated Ken Rad 231s). Yeah, it’s more than twice the price but the leap in sound quality is worth every penny. 



Thank you for the added views. It sounds like the Freya is the way to go at this point, also because resale is quite easy at minimal discount if I don’t like it. I still like the thought of slightly older, but better built, gear from brands like ARC, VTL, etc but I guess that may be for later, when I have been able to test the impact of tubes in my chain and probably also when I am looking to improve my whole setup - the ELAC powered speakers are amazing at their price point but I am sure at some point I will consider other options, likely passive.


Improvements in my system via Freya + preamp with Ken-Rad tubes: The bass and lower midrange was better defined and clearer more like the sound at a live event. The highs had a tad more smoothness and sparkle above 10 Khz. Imaging depth was better and instruments like the cello and stand up bass and the lower registers on a piano had better tone and body. The total sound was more cohesive from top to bottom. The Ken-Rad tubes were purchased from Vintage Tube Services. 

I can’t help you on any comparisons as the Freya + is my first and only venture into tubes. I was attracted the the versatility that it brought to the table. Tubes if I want, all the inputs I needed, remote control, and tube rolling. I have rolled in nos Sylvania tubes (right side only) and the difference was large very happy. I also like that all outputs are live all the time. I still run my Nakamichi dragon cassette player and have reordered music from radio streaming stations. Like others have said to it is dead quiet between tracks and in standby. I am very happy and not looking to anything else for my preamp.

I just looked at my post and saw that I said to use tube buffers on the tubes. Obviously I meant to say tube dampers LOL. If you are looking for the pure honey sound that you get from some all tube preamps the Freya is not for you.It retains the focus of a high end ss preamp, but injects a lot of that sound that tube guys love. I have used a few different ss power amps with the Freya and have had the same overall experience with all of them. It tames the high end if you are using a hot speaker and provides a very open life like mid especially with female vocals.The bass is very solid and well controlled. The sound stage and imaging are not the best I have heard, but is top notch.This is of course with the Ken rads.With  the JJ’s I was not impressed by the sound. I am now burning in my new Voyager GAN 350 amp and after 200 hours I will pair it with the Freya. I believe that this combo on my Legacy Focus speakers will be a match made in heaven.


The Cary SLP 03 is not balanced but will give you a stunning tube based sound including eerily realistic tones, superb transparency and a wall to wall floor to ceiling soundstage. it will be difficult to find that in a balanced preamp unless you spend more. A Modwright LS 100 is good and has 1 balanced input but not as transparent as the Cary.

You could also check out Quicksilver’s preamps. They’re tube based and are around $1,500 with excellent build quality. Good luck!

Thank you to @wturkey, @ditusa and ​​​​@bjw54 for the ringing endorsements of the Schiit Freya+! Much appreciated.

I understand the need for tube rolling, which confirms what I have been reading, and I have no doubt I would revel in scouring marketplaces for the best NOS tubes (and I read new productions like Shuguang/PSVane CV181 can give good results too). Clearly tubes are getting increasingly expensive and I wouldn’t mind investing in that considering the base price of the unit vs my budget.
Could you maybe tell me where you saw the greatest improvements when adding the Freya in your chain? Does it help with sound stage and imaging? Is it more in refinement? Or mids? Does it tame and round out the sound? Many thanks!


The Freya+ is as good as it gets at even twice its price. Unfortunately it comes with some cheap JJ tubes. You have to do some tube rolling to unlock its true potential.I went with ken rad by-231tubes and they took the Freya up to a whole new level! This of course brings up the overall cost, but is worth every penny! Keep in mind that you only have to change the tubes on the right side. The ones on the left are for the cathode follower and do not effect the sound. The Sylvania 6sn7GTA tubes are also a excellent choice at a lower price point. Keep in mind that the GTA is pre 1955 and are a better choice then the GTB. One other suggestion is to use tube buffers because the Freya’s case rings like a bell and the tubes pick up the vibration. Brad




The Schiit Freya+ stereo preamplifier is without doubt an excellent performer, It's three preamps in one. I use it with my solid state amps and tube amp and it sounds great with stock tubes. My speaker's efficiency is 2.7 %. In my system the Freya+ is noise and hum free. I use NOS 6sn7GT Ken-Rad (Pre-Ge) staggered plates with black carbonized glass. I think it's a great preamp, If your not listening in tube mode you can turn the tubes off. You will not find a better tube preamp that is balanced and remote controlled with a 5-Year Warranty and Easy Return Policy, and you can purchase brand new for $950.00! BTW, The Ken-Rad tubes are dated 1944, cost $300.00 so factor that into the total price and you are still under $1500.00. As for the sound of the Freya + you must try it in your rig to know if you like the way it sounds. I have no experience with the Cary SLP-03 preamp, I have never listen to one. Mike

The Schiit Freya + is an excellent unit. It is essentially like having 3 versions of a preamp in a single unit. There is minimal cash outlay for a unit. Resale is quick and easy if dissatisfied. Try the Freya +. Odds are, it will fit the bill. Also, it has an excellent volume control. After owning many preamps with crappy potentiometers for volume control, the Schiit is a dream come true. 

Thank you, helomech, for the interesting views. I am trying to find more unenthusiastic reviews of the Cary but most seem (very) positive. Of course it’s not as good as the SLP-05, nor ARC, but I have a limited budget here. And, Russ, yes, the SLP-03 is fully balanced. I have looked for the entire range of ARC preamps (that are balanced - most SP models are single ended) but the price is 1.5-2.0x my max budget… 

Regarding the Schiit, I have read indeed that it doesn’t colour the sound in the same way a lot of tube preamps might, but it does give what is often called “holographic imaging” and wider sound stage, which is probably the key part for me as long as the sound isn’t referred to as “cold”.

I also don’t want to go for Chinese, even though some models like YS Audio Experience Balanced A3 look very nice, because component quality and QC aren’t always what they should be.


I would recommend used Audio Research… or VAC. But these provide audiophile components built to the highest standards with known excellence of sound… as opposed to contemporary budget components. 

I have followed ARC for fifty years… recognizing their amazing performance and owning one or more components for 35 years. All my components are ARC Reference and I now enjoy what I have envied for most of my years of audio pursuit.

The problem with the Freya+ is it doesn’t really provide the sound characteristics tubes are known for. Its tube stage sounds like what you get with a tube buffer, i.e. a very slight increase in “bloom.” Doesn’t matter what tubes you roll into the Freya, the result is essentially the same. The Freya+ is wholly better as a passive pre.

I can’t speak for the Cary’s sound but I had an opportunity to buy one NIB for a steep discount. I passed on it because many owner reviews of this model around the web are unenthusiastic, and I found multiple reports of reliability issues.

Generally speaking though, from a sound quality perspective, I think you would indeed be better off buying a pre-owned preamp that once retailed for multiples of the Freya’s price. 


Important aspect I forgot to mention (thanks Riley for the message though) is that the preamp should have balanced circuit: Mytek has balanced XLR and ELAC takes XLR so considering my cables have to run quite a bit around TV and stuff, it’s a much needed advantage to stay in balanced mode.


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