Turntable prices. Is my mind going?

Stereophiles Recommended components offerings at $300,000 Plus!  And weights of many hundreds of pounds? Is quality now by the pound? Audiphools exist- just like Saquatch.


It seems i am not clear in english...😊

I did not have contempt at all for anybody able to buy hyper costly audio product near 1 million bucks...I say that to be clear...

On the opposite i want an invitation to listen to his system...😊

I dont want to judge people on their bank account( save those who claim to be philanthopist when in many cases it is false Gates being with Rockfeller evident case of hypocrisy)


Is it clear ?😊


But i refuse the audiophile propaganda linking linearly S.Q. with price tags marketing idiotic race to upgrades without end which is used to separate those who knows pieces of gear branded name and those who do not then naming them "poor and ignorant" ...

my point is simple: ONLY ACOUSTICS concepts and parameters controls can give us TOP experience relatively proportional  for sureto the gear pieces  design quality and synergy  ... ( acoustics here is NOT MERE room acoustic by the way, we must open an acoustics book to understand this point, if someone do not understand at all the timbre concept dimensions at play how can he could improve it at optimal cost and for the optimal result, not understanding what to do next ? ) ..





The Subsistence Farmer used as an example will have the identical desire to be amused/entertained, the same Farmer may even go to the extent of putting the Families Security at stake in their persistence of being entertained by a participation that comes with a cost, that will diminish the coffers or even be the cause of dept. 

Usually the individual has a developing obsession and many are skewed in their balanced approach, the mind is now way beyond a place where the obsession > compulsion was once able to be controlled. 

I'm probably not alone in thinking that a cheaper vinyl rig carefully set up by someone who knows what he is doing is likely to sound far better than the most expensive one to be found set up by someone who does not. But if that dreadfully expensive TT is set up by someone who does know all the tricks, I'll take comfort in remembering it will only sound a small amount better than the first case.

@mahgister ​​​​​​+1 for your post at 9:37 AM! More knowledge and less foolishness should be the goal when deciding what to buy! Marketing is the inverse of this!