Turntable recommendation for under 6k

Hello: I am starting to look a turntable upgrade and want to budget for arm, cartridge and table 6k. Used is ok. Any recommendations appreciated and or advise. Thanks, Bruce
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xbringgeld
It doesn't look like first TT from the post content view.

I'm fan of suspended turntables such as Michel Orbe($3...4k used)/Wilson Act arm($1k used)/Lyra Delos($1k used or earlier version Lyra Argo). Oracle Delphi with same mentioned arm/cartridge may have similar sound qualities.
I would look for a used SME 10 at about $5K and spend the rest on a cartridge. Maybe a Shelter or an Ortofon.
Hi go for one of the SOTA turntabels, from Star and up, they are great. Playing at a very high level compared to the price.

I have had severals and you get a superb support too.

Put a Mörch DP6 on it and because of the possibillity to change the armtubes ist a very versaile combination.
Cartridge must be put in context with your prefferance and the rest of the system.

Easy to live with, very musical and runs for ever.

regards Thastum
Sota V Sapphire $3100.
Sme 309 $2400.
Grado Sonata $600.

This gets you a nice new setup within your budget!
"10-02-15: Czarivey
It doesn't look like first TT from the post content view."

Maybe I'm missing something, but all I see is this.

"Hello: I am starting to look a turntable upgrade and want to budget for arm, cartridge and table 6k. Used is ok. Any recommendations appreciated and or advise. Thanks, Bruce"

If the OP was already into vinyl, I would expect more info, especially with a budget of 6k. Current setup, phono stage, mm/mc, likes dislikes, music preference, high/low output, tube/SS, Bal/SE... At some point, that info will be needed.
How about some background information? What are you using in the rest of your system? What phono stage?
Exactly. Without 'background information' including preferences this makes little sense. $6k covers a lot, especially if bought used.
thanks for the feedback, This is not my first TT. I have a Cary SLP 98 phono stage tube and a Music Hall 7.1 that I want to sell & upgrade, a McCormack DNA 500 amp and Martin Logan Electrostatic speakers. At some point I would like to sell the DNA 500 & get a tube amp, but want to concentrate on the TT first. I have only heard a Audio Note TT which was dead quiet and need to go somewhere in CA & do some serious listening.
With your budget and equipment, I suggest a VPI Prime table / arm combo and an AT ART-9 cartridge. That gives you a great bang for the bud vinyl front-end.

That will leave some money to work on other components. Yes, the amp should be next upgrade target.
Check out the Avid Volvere with a Jelco tonearm or Dr.Feickert Woodpecker with the Feickert 10" tonearm. Both are superb TTs with great dynamic range and musicality.
Pani- I may be wrong, but I believe Feickert offers Jelco arms with their tables. To my knowledge, he doesn't make an arm. If there hasn't been enough tables mentioned here, let me ad the Luxman PD-171AL. Cheers -Don
Fjn04, you are right. It is a modded Jelco with better wiring and such goodies.