Ugliest Component of the Year 2024!

I realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder but this one should ranks in top 10.

I always loved the MC275 and its predecessors but this new trend which has extended to MC830 is a bit of head scratcher.

Feel free to add your pick…no judgements!


If the component looks like it fell out of an ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, then you know you got ugly! On the other hand, a thing of beauty is a joy forever. The look of a component has a big influence (psychological) as to what we may think of its cosmetics and performance.

All of mine....really don't give a limp one over 'cute'......

It's part of the pile....or not.

Yes that chord unit is quite bad to my eyes. What were they thinking! But the red Tektons might be worse!  Is there gonna be a vote? 

Maybe not of this year but the Wilson Alexia speakers that are featured in the emails from Audiogon look like industrial grade trash bins. The ones you see in front of many stores and feature the swinging flap doors. I can only imagine what the wife would say if I hauled a pair of those home. You paid how much for those?

That's where the resemblance ends. The industrial trash bins clearly win on dark floor and PRAT.

Wilson Audio speakers often generate strong opinions….they have a distinct house sound that doesn’t resonate with everyone. I never could warmed up to their sound or appearance. 

In support of Eric at Tekton, I He has been nothing short of nice, helpful, spending time has been no object. I have had Tekton Double impacts(still have them) for 4 years and loved them for Rock and Roll, have great electronics (ex: Amp Pass X250.8, Bricasti M1SE DAC)  Due to speaker efficiency, listen via Class A power. Wanted more Mid range and high Frequency transparency and depth. He built me Serial number 5 and 6 of a special ENCORE version, 175lbs. Everything I wished for and more, wasn't cheap, at least for me, but still under 10K. The first shipment was destroyed by FED EX (shipping)  After initially waiting some time for shipping for the original to be built (special cabinet and drivers) he and company made an outstanding effort to build me another pair quite quickly. May be as said (in the eye of the beholder) but, these speakers are so dynamic and accurate and, No pun interned, Rock and Roll. Thank you Eric, they really work for me. Listen and make your own mind up. Robert TN

@yakbob I agree, it's cool in its own weird way. But overall, the colors and the materials are just not a sophisticated look for me, more like a kids toy oven in a doll house.

@yakbob +1

And yes, Braun under Dieter Rams set a highwater mark for audio gear design. I can't really think of another brand that came close. least they're on sale right now.  grab a few dozen and impress your friends. 

I think the McIntosh ML1 MK II speakers look good, and unless they sound really bad, I plan to get a pair in the near future. Visually, there’s no comparison with the Tekton 1812. They’re nightmarishly ugly. I can’t believe someone could design something like that, let alone put it in a room.