I will re-state my position which is based in scientific history about natural virus emergency:
Look for a vaxx ONLY for the people at risk..
Look for cheap drugs protocols for the young and healthy...Dont ban them...
Test and confine ONLY the people who has virus and symptoms...
Any massive worldwide forced mandate vaccination, even for womans waiting for babies, which has been SERIOUSLY proposed, is science fiction stuff INSANE and OPPOSITE to all medical history with an air borne mutating virus like the flu... ( yes i know that it is not the flu)
I just discover the reason why Fauci just acted like he did...If you analyse the logic behind his gestures and opinions,( it is only my intuition here i can be wrong)
He acted like someone knowing perfectly well, what this NEW virus is, where it come from, and for example his changing of stances abour masks and his way to explain why we must not use mask in the beginning correspond to the experience of someone working in TOP LAB 4 virus tech engineering where masks are useless...He change his stance on mask saying that it was a " noble lie" to keep the amount of mask for doctors and nurses but this is not convincing for me...Lying and admitting to lie is NOT in the midst of a pandemy a very good WISE POLITICAL gesture to admit, it is a serious ethical error ....He must have deeper reason to lie and for me it was his complete knowledge of all there is to know from this virus which explasin logically all his gestures...
For me that explain ALL his gestures: he act like someone who is CONSCIOUS and KNOW he is treating a virus escape from a laboratory. He never did act like a normal doctor in an NATURAL emergency epidemy...
In the case of a dangerous virus escape from a high tech laboratory all these measures make sense:
You circled all the city exposed and ISOLATED it hermetically( like in China)
You confine even the healthy which never occur in a natural virus epidemy coming from natural sources...
You vaxx all people in the city exposed to this risk ...Even asymptomatic and healthy..
You act like in a "war" more than in work field...Then you can push and make the vaxx obligation for the sake of all...
I can be wrong for sure...
It is my intuition, reading facts...And anyway the Chineese also was knowing where the virus comes from; a laboratory and act militarily not at all like normal doctors...
About Fauci imitating the Chineese method in virus escape, his way remind me strongly of someone who act like he knows something no other could know ...Like a criminal participating in his victim disparition traces search expressing some weird gesture...