Why are you into hi end audio?

Just wondering if anyone feel the same as l do.l work hard and have nice things.l like to spend money when l feel like it...for the last 40 years ive had great audio gear and have enjoyed every minute of it....ln contrast every time l buy a nice car l lose big money and have a bad overall experience ..taxes,insurance, depreciation  and repairs. ...losing 30-40K on a new car or truck after 3-5 years is normal these days so l have no guilt when spending money on hi end audio..it makes me feel great year after year....l dont have to put gas in it or worry about door dings or hail storms,insurance,exise taxes evey year,new tires or crazy repair bills...so l dont feel bad dropping 50K on some McIntosh gear....you wont make money on it but its better than spending it on a new car in my opinion. If you have a beautiful room with a beautiful 2 channel system it can be the most wonderful space to spend time in...way better than sitting in traffic. .....

As above, I concur with MG- a better, well-defined soundstage.
I will add - a better presentation and sound via better Audio gear.Happy Listening!
I have always been attracted to live music. Anything that vaguely sounds like music and rhythm, attracts me. There could be a guy doing a solo act with plastic drums and singing - I stop and listen. Fascination for "music in general" and trying to get it as close as "alive" is what got me into hi-fi.
I’ve been a music fanatic for as long as I can remember but I also have long had in interest in sound, recorded, reproduced sound, sound quality.   When I was young one of my favourite things was to use my tape reorder to just record walks in my nieghbourhood or goofy skits with me and pals, then listen at night in bed and enjoy “reliving” the event listening to the tape recording.

So the combination of fascination with both music and how it is reproduced is a natural fit I guess.  (Plus my dad introduced high end audio in to our home which also grave me the bug).