Wilson to Tekton to ????

Ok, here we go again.  I started 2 threads a few years ago.  "What did I do?" was the title of the first one. Look it up if interested.

This is what I did. I sold my used Wilson Sophia Series II for $1000 more than I paid for them. Then I spent most of that money on Tekton Moab speakers.   The system was in a really large room and the Moabs did not look out of place and the fact the actual speakers were higher from the floor gave me a sense of "Being There".  I loved them.

Now I moved to a smaller house, room.  These Moabs now look like I has 2 standing closets in the corners of my room. Black in color does not help.  But the sound is still very nice and I plan on buying the Townsend bases for them.

But I know in my heart that the Wilson speakers would be perfect in this room.

Here is what I have learned. Never Sell Anything. 


As long as the Moabs meets WAF, screw what they look like. It’s all about the Sound. Your listening experience. Life of an Audiophile is/are, Sacrifices. I think you will get used to them. Even if they were Avantgardes! (My personal opinion) It’s all about the Sound.

Don’t beat yourself up by telling yourself "They look like sh*t" every time you see them. If you don’t like the Sound of them in your present environment, that’s a different discussion.

Most of us don’t have fully dedicated "man cave" rooms so aesthetics are still a factor. Speakers become essentially a piece of furniture, and I’m going to be looking at those speakers while listening for years. It counts if what I’m looking at is ugly or not. There are too many nice looking (IMO) speakers that sound good to compromise on looks (for me).

I mean...anyone can wear track pants in public if for them it’s "all about being comfortable." But...some of us have standards ;-)


Lot of comments in this thread from people who have never heard Tektons....may they celebrate in their superiority and be happy.


I think they look good but it's the sound that counts. I felt the same with my Maggie 3.7 in a 12 x 15 room until I heard them.

 If you enjoy them keep them.